Chapter Thirty Eight: Fun Story

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Jerrod's POV

It has been a month since what happened in that forest.

A lot has swiftly moved on quite quickly. Connor and I are fostering Max now and if he feels happy with us after another month we plan to adopt him.

Max and Tyler get on really well. They play game together and do football after school together. They sleep either at mine or at Colin's on the weekends. They have become really good friends.

I wish I could say Arrow is doing good. I can't...

He had a breakdown at work a week ago. A hard case hit him a bit to close to home and he had only been back at work for about week. It took him a long time to heal and be capable to work again.

I wish I could do something...but there isn't a lot Connor or I can do but just offer support if we can.

I guess if you get put through so really would effort you in a way no one could understand.

And one thing is certain. He has been through a hell of a lot for a guy his age. No one can blame him. Not one bit.

Time skip (One Year)

Arrow's POV

I chuck the suitcase into the back of the car. Tyler behind me.

"Why do we have to go?" He asks me.

I look at Tyler. "You can stay with Colin if you want to. You can still stay," I tell him.

"But...I don't want you to go alone."

"Allac is coming with me. I won't be alone. Honestly can stay. I don't want your summer to be ruined," I begin.

"There is always next summer," he said.

"If you are sure. Hopefully it only be a few weeks so we can come back and enjoy the last of the summer with dad," I tell him as I head towards the drivers seat after closing the boot.

"I know this is important...but you always thinking of others and never of yourself," he said as we climb into the car.

"It's something I've felt strong about. Expanding our business. I wouldn't ever move away from home. But I got to set it up first for Ben," I tell him.

"I know. I know. I know Colin will be okay. I guess I've always worry about you more," he tells me.

"Why would that be?" I ask but hoping he knows I'm kidding around.

" had a break down after what happened in that forest. It was meant to be our first holiday but it wasn't. It's a night even I can't grasp on even now or forget. Life hasn't exactly treated you well. Even though you deserve the world. So I'm coming encase you need me. Besides I've been learning my kung fu and everything so I can protect my dad," he smirks.

"Well let's hope that's not needed. Its not like we are going to a dangerous place."

"Yeah well...that camping trip shouldn't of been dangerous but you nearly got killed. I thought I best get good at something that may help since trouble seems to find you," he smiles at me.

"Fair point but if anyone will be protecting anyone. I will be protecting you."

"We shall see."

Ben's POV

It's taken a few months. Arrow is coming to help us finish up setting up Embrace Two.

When I first got the call about this job I was shocked. I'm only twenty five and Arrow spoke to me for two hours about being the new boss to his second building Embrace Two.

The fact that he is younger then I am by four years gave me confidence to take the offer gracefully from him.

I can't help but be excited to meet this guy in person. He has put a lot of time behind closed doors and money into creating Embrace Two. It be nice to meet him in person and he is my boss officially even if he won't be close by once Embrace Two is up and running.

It's amazing business, amazing opportunity to help so many children who need it. What Arrow has achieved so far is incredible for someone of his age.

He seems like a good person. He has a husband and adopted son called Tyler. He is coming with Arrow, something about Tyler wanted to be with him. Thought a kid of his age want to enjoy his summer but from a very little I've heard Arrow has been through a lot. I just don't know much of what that involved.

As I grab my toast off the side my mum made me, I heard a deafening scream.

"What was that?" My mum asks as she entered the kitchen wearing her smart shirt and skirt with her blazer and high heels. Her blond hair up in a neat bun.

"Not sure. Didn't sound great did it," I begin.

A loud knock came at the front door. My mum looks at me worried.

"I'll get it," I reassure her as I head out the kitchen and up towards the front door through the front room.

I steady my hand over the door knob before I pull open the door trying to forget that I'm actually worried who may actually be after that scream.

My eyes fall upon a young lad. Brown hair wearing a t-shirt and jeans with a younger boy in his arms.

The boy looks knocked out maybe?

But the concerning part is the older lad has blood coming down his left side of his face and blood over his shirt.

"Ben...I'm Arrow. Tyler was right. Trouble finds me where ever ago. Jesus christ this wasn't meant to happen," he says to me.

"Come in. We ring nine one one or try too. If not I'll try convince my mum to drop you," I say to him letting him inside.

Now...I've never quite had to see or deal with something like this before and the awkward part...this is my boss. Fun story to tell the wife someday...if I ever have one.

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