Chapter Thirty Nine: I have a bad feeling about this.

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Arrow's POV

I grip the steering wheel fear hitting me like ice touching your skin. Every inch of me frozen in shock and dismay.

"Dad," begins Tyler.

" quiet," I tell him.

"What's wrong? It's just traffic," he begins.

"It's far from that. I think we should go round another way," I say to him.

"Why I don't get what is going on," he says.

I watch as flames rise only five cars down from us.

"What is that?" Tyler asks.

"I don't know but it's not good. Shit..."

I felt the first car hit the back of us with such force it sent a shooting pain down the back of my back.

"Tyler are you," I begin but another car hits us from in front this time.

I get out the car quickly helping Tyler out.

"What are you all playing at!" I demand.

Someone got out the car who had hit us from behind his fist planting into my face before I could gather what he was about to do.

Another person, young women grabs Tyler.

"Don't you dare touch him!" I scream as I go to help Tyler but the guy puts his foot out which I stupidly fall over onto the ground.

"What was that? Don't touch him," the women laughs as she has him close to her. Her arm wrapped around him and his neck.

Tyler kicked into action managing to escape her grip with ease raising his fists.

"Not bad kid," the man begins as he goes for Tyler but I'm back on my feet and charging at him.

The second blow came harder and harsher. I felt hot liquid on the top of my eye, dizziness hitting instantly but I won't let anything happen to Tyler even though I have no idea what is going on right now or why we are being attacked.

Don't think this is my fault in anyway...right?

Explosion deafened me it sending me backwards into my car as I hear Tyler scream out in pain.

I can barley see anything, my whole body aching. My vision completely messed up by this point.

I hear sirens and shouting as my vision slowly returned to me. I struggle to my feet looking around frantically for Tyler.

I spot him on the ground and he isn't moving. I run over to him feeling the heat of the flames close by.

"Tyler," I whisper my heart pounding hard in my chest.

No response but he is breathing. I pick him up slowly into my arms. I feel pain from my back and my stomach but I ignore the pain and how wet my t-shirt feels.

I must look like a right state. I slowly walk over to the pavement close by and hope I can find Ben's address.

We need help...badly.
I have no idea where that women and man went but I'm glad they are gone.

I don't know how long I walked or how much fear gripped me that Tyler might not wake up. What extent of his injuries are or my own.

I finally come up to the road Ben lives and look for his house number. Finally I arrive outside the house and head towards the door.

This is a great way for someone to meet there boss. This wasn't meant to happen.

Why did this happen?

Colin's POV

I already miss them. They have been gone no more then a good few hours. I'm trying to concentrate on my paperwork but I keep thinking about Arrow and Tyler.

Arrow said he would call me when he got there. Has he not arrived yet?

Is the traffic that bad?

My phone vibrates in my pocket making me jump.

I take it out my pocket and answer the phone. Its Arrow's dad.

"Hey what's up?" I ask him.

"Colin, I'll be with you in ten minutes. I got a call from the hospital and spoke to Ben. Something has happened to Arrow and Tyler," he informs me.

"What...what you mean? They only left a few hours ago," I say already fearing the worst my hand shaking slightly.

"I know. I'm just as shocked as you are. Ben seemed a bit shocked by it all. Tyler has a concussion but he should be okey. Arrow's injuries are worse and has to go into surgery as he has internal bleeding," he tells me.

"Shit...what the hell! Why is it always him," I sigh getting up from my desk.

"I ask myself that all the time. Let's just hope it be all okay," he says to me.

"He better be or i'll bloody bring him back to life just to kill him again. I bet no one has a husband who has been hurt more then mine," but I laugh to let him know I'm only kidding around.

We be there soon Arrow. Hold on in there and be strong. I will have to make sure the child centre will be okay without me...maybe even for a few weeks.

I thought a few weeks away from me with Tyler to sort out Embrace Two would be okay. That nothing like this should happen...yet now my husband is going into surgery.

Will he ever get a break?

All he has ever done is be a good man. Strong and brave. Always doing the right thing. He better be okay...he has to be!

"You heard from Allac at all?" I ask him.


"I'll ring him I'll see you when you get here," I tell him as I hang up fast.

I type Allac's number into my phone and ring.

It rang for a while before it went to voicemail.

Could he still be driving?

I have a bad feeling about this....

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