Chapter Fifteen: I can't bare

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Arrow's POV

I pin my back to the wall holding in my pants of air I'm trying to take.

"It's okay. We half way home. Keep doing as I say and we will make it Arrow trust me," he smiles at me.

I smile back him...I've come to like Adam as a friend especially since be has saved me and helping me try to escape right now.

Yet I know I'm not doing so good. My suger levels are all over the place.

"Diabetes...I have that. I'm not feeling so hot," I whisper to Adam.

He looked wide eyed at me, "Shit okay we got to do this quick then. Let's go!"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me along the corridor, I'm just trying to stay up at this point I'm letting him do most of the work.

We were very close to exit he had told me about. We round the next corner and we see the door ahead. We are close.

We carry on down the corridor towards it but something hit hard into my shoulder. Pain irupting from that area instantly. Adam had stopped looking at me wide eyed again. He pulls off his jacket pulling me into a room to our left already wrapping it around my shoulder the best he could while I'm shaking like a leaf.

"So fucking close. I didn't even get to see how many are after us or who. Fuck!" Adam says loudly.

"Don't you dare try to escape and think I won't know!" My uncles voice ripped through us.

I sigh looking at Adam, "I'm sorry...this is my fault."

" are right about so many things. I don't regret trying. We had to try....I don't know if we stand a chance of making it now though."

I hiss in pain holding onto my shoulder feeling sick. "I'm fucked....I can't go like this. No," I beg the air.

"Shut up dork. You are not going to die here. Don't be an idiot!"

Adam pulls me away from the door as it explodes us both falling to the floor in a heap.

"Well nephew I can't say it surprises me. You seem to have a way of turning even the worst of men to something timid however that will never work with me." He was right beside me and stood on my arm sending pain up into my shoulder causing even more pain if that was possible.

"Please....stop," I beg. Must look like a right weakling at this point.

My uncles foot left me turning and stepping back missing a bullet being fired right at him.

"You get away from my son you bastard!"

I look up just about able to make out my dad and some other officers. My dad continues to fire making my uncle retreat into a corner taking some cover.

Adam's hand is in mine. "Arrow you alright?"

" watch out!" I scream.

My dad missed the knife attack by inches and had to back away with some of the other offices as about six of my uncles so called men came to his aid.

"I...Adam. I really don't feel so good."

"I know buddy but your dad's here. We got to help them." He helps me to my feet but just for us to be attacked by a knife making us back away up against a table fearing what to do with no weapon to help us defend ourselves.

I watch a knife hit the person who had pinned us up against the table.

"Get away from my best friend!"

To my surprise.

To my happiness.

I watch as Paul enters the room looking ready for a battle he could surely win.

"Paul," I whisper as I felt my legs give way.

Adam is down beside me. "Arrow," he whispers.

Paul arrives in front of us handing me over some chocolate. "I always carry some...I guess even now we aren't beside each other all the time it became habit," he smiled at me. I take it and ate it slowly as chaos continued around us.

It seemed to help a little but I knew I would need my tablets soon and my head is spinning.

Adam and Paul helped me to my feet Paul eyeing up the half buggered up jacket around my shoulder already soaked through of my blood.

"Shit...what the hell they been doing to you Arrow?"

Paul suddenly looked in shock. I watch as he falls to the floor blood going over the ground. Someone grabs my hair ruthlessly dragging me backwards. Adam is struggling with who ever is dragging me but he is forced off us onto the ground.

"Adam! Paul!" I scream in panic.

Something is shoved into my mouth to stop me screaming. I try to struggle but with my shoulder in so much pain I barley made my uncle flinch. Of course it is him...who fucking else.

My uncle manageged to drag me out the other door of the room but we are met with more officers.

"Fuck!" I hear my uncle say annoyed.

I watch in horror as the five police officers are shot down as if it was child's play.

Hayley reloaded her gun. "Not going to win while I still breathe. Told you we should of killed him!"

" know why. Let's get the fuck out of here."

I used my last bit of strength to struggle free from him. I fall to the floor struggling to crawl away but Hayley came over to me rather quickly stepping on my hand. I scream out in pain unable to control my emotions anymore even with the rag in my mouth.  What the hell has my life come to? I spit it out just about.

Hayley picks me up putting me over her shoulder. I had no energy left,my body hurt all over. Pain becoming unbearable.

As we reach the exit of the hotel I felt my eyes closing...

"What you doing here!"

"I'm here to rescue the man I love!" run. No Colin please run. I can't bare anyone else getting hurt because of me.....

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