Chapter One: It's never easy for any of us.

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Arrow's POV

I smile at Madison and Zack who both stood either side of me. "Do we have to go school today?" Zack says with Madison nodding to agree.

"I'm afraid so. I have plenty of work to do and Colin will pick you up later and you get to spend some time with him at Embrace," I smile to them.

Zack and Madison have grown well. I can't believe its been almost been five years since they were born. How time has flown. 

Seeing both Zack and Madison in their school uniform makes me rather proud brother.

"Okay brother," says Zack a little disappointment in his voice.

"Cheer up its not that bad," I smile as we finally cross the road and head towards the reception part of the school building.

I drop off Madison and Zack before I head towards work. I couldn't quite believe when I first opened my company. Its called Embrace and its linked with Colin's Children centre which is also called Embrace.

We just knew the name would stay and fit so well after all we went through to get to where we are now and since we work together as partners we could call both our company's the same thing.

My company couldn't be doing any better and Colin has been focusing so much on his children centre the whole town probably takes their children there by now.

Sometimes it doesn't always leave us much time for us but we always find the time to tell each other that we love each other. We spend evenings together or most of them.

I couldn't ever love any other man as much as I love Colin. I know he will always be the one for me.

I stop half way across my building as a young looking boy runs across the street a car stopping inches from crashing right into him before the boy runs right into me.

"Sorry," he whispers.

"Hey you need to slow down kid you could of got badly hurt," I warn him.

"Who you calling a kid," he snaps.

"Look what are you even running from?" I ask him. I'm not quite sure why I found myself asking that question but I could see the fear in his eyes.

He shakes his head," Nothing. Just leave me alone," he says shoving me before he runs away.

I sigh before I head across the road into work but I can't help but worry about why that kid had been running so fast.

Colin's POV

"Not to worry Mrs Hardly I completely understand I hope to see Liam back once he is feeling better. Not a problem speak to you soon," I say as I put the phone back into its handset.

"Another one sick?" asks Nat standing by the window in my office with her long blond hair loose.

"Better get back to work. Your break is over," I laugh to her.

"Sometimes your a harsh boss," she sighs as she puts her hair up into a pony tail and closes the window, "You didn't even answer me."

"Yeah fourth one today."

"That's a shame," she says as she heads to the door, "Less work on you," she laughs as she leaves my office.

My door suddenly reopens but not to find Nat at the door but my brother Jerrod.

"What you doing here?" I ask him.

"Just passing through to give you this," says Jerrod handing over a box to me.

"Ah yes you said you drop it off. How you and Connor anyway?" I ask placing the box on my desk and getting up to embrace Jerrod for just a moment.

"We are really good actually. Had a couple issues with our new place but we getting there for sure. Your business is thriving it seems," smiles Jerrod.

"It sure is," I smile back.

"How is Arrow?" he asks me.

"Yeah he is good actually. I need to give him a ring to confirm tonight. You and Connor still up for it?"

"Of course. Can't miss our weekly catch up and meal can we." smiles Jerrod.

The phone began to ring again and Jerrod smiles.

"I'll let you get back to work. See you later," he smiles before he leaves my office.

I pick up the phone,"Embrace Colin speaking."

Arrow's POV

I sigh as I put the phone down. I've been trying to find a foster family take in a little girl called Jane. Her real parents are both mentally unstable to look after her after  a horrible ordeal but I'm struggling to find a solution.

I run my fingers through my hair racking my brain but it just seems to be making me more stressed about it and concerned.

A knock at my door broke through my thoughts.

"Come in!"

"Hi Arrow sorry to disturb you but another case just came down. It seems we will be getting out the office after all."

I look down at my paper work and sigh.

"Well I hope I can help more then I can on this other case I'm doing. What is so important that we need to get out the office?" I ask.

"I'll tell you on the way."

"Alright then. Let's get going. You driving?" I ask him.

"Of course. You okay though?"

"Of course I am Allac."

Who knew the last friend I made in school would become my second in command in my own company. I would probably be a bit lost with out him to be honest. A friendship I hope I would never lose.

Being in charge of trying to allocate foster families for children that need it is just one of my many tasks. Embrace will do anything in its power to help where it is needed. Along with Colin's children centre we really have come far.

I get up out my chair and leave the office with Allac. I wonder what has happened?

It is never pretty to do some of these cases and it's horrible what some children have to go through. Embrace is here to help and ensure a positive outcome come for these kids.

I couldn't be prouder in what I am doing and Colin always seems to remind me its in my nature to want to help and bring happiness back to these kids lives. Colin and I know too well of the stresses, pain and horror life can chuck at you. We are a helping hand that is not always given to everyone.

I just hope I can deal with the situation ahead.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket but whoever it is will have to wait.

I know this is something important its not everyday we get out the office or less its something pretty serious.

Allac and I sat in silence while I read the paperwork Allac had gave me.

"Jesus christ. Some of this is just unthinkable to even believe," I say to Allac.

"I know. Its hard to believe there are people our there getting away with this sort of stuff. Don't worry Arrow we will do all we can for them both."

"I couldn't even think how I would of been able to go through this and come out the otherside," I begin.

"Not entirely true there, Arrow. You found yourself in something similar just not with your parents."

I look at Allac and sigh," Yeah well...I guess it's never easy for any of us."

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora