Chapter Eight: Arrow! I need you!

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Tyler's POV

It has been two weeks since I saw Arrow in hospital and got away from Dan.

I'm now in a new home, with a foster family. Apparently I'm very quiet, that's what Lila has told me. She is also a foster kid here too. Apart from her telling me that everyday she has kept herself to her self and the women we are living here works quite long hours, so we are left with a young gentlemen that Lila has been looked after by for about six months now.

He seems nice enough...

But something feels off between them and I can't put my finger on what.

Anyway I've been enrolled into a new school and I'm fed well, clothed and allowed to shower often. It's more then I've had over last few months I tell you that much.

I got brought a bag for school, new uniform and even given money for lunch. Let's say in a short space of time I have hope for a better future. A future I thought would never exist in my life.

I open my bedroom door my rucksack on my back, ready to face another day at school.

As I head towards the stairs I heard something smash.

What was that?

"Lila!" I shout deciding whether to go over to her room or not.

Someone's hand is put on my shoulder. I turn to find it to be Drew's.

"Quiet...that came from down stairs."

I look at him my eyes going wide. "What?" I say a bit confused.

Lila was at her bedroom door ready for school but she looks just as scared as I feel.

"What do we do?" she finally asks rooted to the spot.

"You two stay here. I will check."

"You shouldn't go alone," I tell him.

"If you hear something bad...please escape out a window and get help."

"No way. Your kidding right? It could be anything."

"Exactly. I will not let you two get hurt. Its my responsibility to look after you. Now go in Lila's room and stay there."

I look at Drew horror gripping me...Arrow probably kill me if I got myself hurt. Deep down I know it would upset him and make him angry. Our next meeting can't be to protect me...again.

We hear foot steps coming up the stairs.

"Room now!" he shouts at me now.

I look at him but nod. I go over to Lila's room and she let's me inside before closing the door.

"What are we meant to do?" she asks me.

In all honesty I don't know and have no way to reassure her. I can barley reassure myself its going to be okay let alone her.

"What do you want?" we hear Drew from the other side of the door.

"You know what we want Drew!" boomed a voice with a strong welsh accent.

"They know him?" Lila asks looking confused.

Suddenly someone rams against the door and we hear Drew cry out in pain.

I look at Lila who had tears coming down her face. She looks really confused and full of emotions.

"We got to go!"

"We can't just leave him..."

"We don't have a choice. Go now Lila. We aren't safe here."

Lila moves towards the window and I follow after her as the door is yanked open.

Lila reaches the window and opens it up. "Tyler I can't do this," she begins as someone latches there hand on my shoulder.

I pull away quickly turning my back to Lila to face who had tried to grab me.

He stood tall wearing a long black coat but I spotted the knife hanging in his belt. His face is covered by a black mask but I could make out a smirk beneath it.

"You didn't say there was a new lad here. This could be more tricky."

Drew is behind him on the ground. "Run!" he shouts at us but he is holding onto his side.

"Drew I don't understand."

"Then why don't I explain little lady. Drew owes me a debt. A debt he can't I came here to see what all the fuss was about with you. Very beautiful Drew. I see why you like her."

It suddenly dawned on me what had been going on between Drew and Lila...

"Why Drew?" I ask sadly.

"Because we are all the same, kid. Everyone wants a bit of fun and Drew thinks he should do that with someone younger then him..naughty man."

"Your just as bad!" I spit at him.

He glared at me stepping towards me.

"Don't you dare come closer! Lila go now please!" I shout at her this time.

Her eyes are full of tears but this time she seemed to understand. She found courage to climb out the window and find her way down.

I wanted to follow her but...I have to buy her time. I guess I am just as much of an idiot as Arrow. Maybe we are more alike then I would ever believe.

"You little shit!" he screams taking two long strides and grabs onto my top.

I try pull away from him which I succeeded in doing but I land on the floor fear gripping me.

Will I ever get away from this?

I pull my phone from my pocket and diall Arrow's number putting it on loud speaker and chuck it under the bed hoping he would pick up.

"What the fuck did you just do!" He shouts even louder then last time grabbing me and chucking me hardly into the wall.

"Arrow! I need you!" I shout as he comes at me again. I feel myself pass out on impact as he chucked me against the wall again.

Arrow's POV

When I found myself back at home, I decided to take an extra few days off work.

It's coming up three days since I returned to work and I thought about ringing Tyler a lot. To check how he was doing but I never found myself doing it, even if I really wanted too.

I sometimes I let the cases effect me, in a way I can't ever really explain and it's not always professional. I guess that why I forced myself not too.

It's early morning and I just dropped Madison and Zack at school.

I find myself at the park near my business. I'm taking a short pause before I go in, to clear my head I guess.

My phone began to go off. I look at my phone to see Tyler is calling.

I answer the phone.

At first I couldn't hear anything.


"What the fuck did you just do!" I hear someone shout.

Again silence and then the words ripped through me.

"Arrow! I need you!"

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