Chapter Forty Two: What an interesting name.

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Arrow's POV

I wish I could explain the pain escalating from my ankle and foot but I can't.

I'm trying to concentrate on anything but the pain but it seems to be the only thing I can think about.

We came here to get Allac but instead we got ourselves stuck in this situation with him. But at least Allac isn't alone now.

Tireness has hit me hard. My eyes feel so tired...

"Arrow..." said Colin seating down beside me taking my hand.

I look into his eyes. "I'm so tired," I whisper to him.

"I bet you are. Try get some sleep," he said jesturing for me to put my head on his lap as a pillow which I take gracefully laying my head in his lap and I felt myself falling to sleep all too quickly.

I woke to sudden sensation of panic and alarm.

My head is on cold ground three armed men now in the room we had been put into. Colin being dragged out the room.

"Colin!!" I shout in worry and concern but only to be pulled to my feet ruthlessly pain shooting up my leg from my ankle.

I hiss in pain them pulling me towards the door.

I get kicked in the stomach for good measure which just makes me angry and I wack my elbow into the man's groin making him fall to his knees letting me go. I hit the ground hard hissing in more pain.

Allac grabs the gun from the man that had just let me go pointing it at him. The man that had gone for him is on the ground unconscious. How did he do that?

"You little shit," the man retorts.

"Allac...go. Get yourself out of here. I won't be able to escape so easily."

"Don't do that. Don't think I'm just going to leave you here," he said passing me the gun grabbing onto the man's head pushing him harshly into the wall. You could hear the crack on impact the man losing unconscious all to quickly.

"Wow...your good at that."

"Yeah. I am," he said as he offers to help me to my feet.

I take his hand him helping take some of my weight.

"They have Colin. Let's go get him and Paul," he said reassuring me.

I nod as we head out the room.

This had changed around in our favour slightly but I can't help but feel that this isn't as easy as it seems it could be.

We left down the corridor but not going as fast as we could of done if my ankle hadn't been busted up as much it has been.

We head further but as we got around the corner two men appeared in front of us. Allac pulls us backwards slightly letting me grab onto the wall as he ready himself to defend us both.

I cling to the wall wondering if there is a way I can help but I felt something touch my shoulder. I turn to find a tall women in some sort of combat uniform smirking at me with bright red lipstick holding a strange looking knife in her hand.

"You going to fight?" She whispers in my ear.

"What does it look like? Do you think I even could," I retort back to her.

Her smirk grew wider. "I like you already," she said her hand holding now firmer on my shoulder.

I glare at her as she placed her other arm around me the knife inches from my throat. How more pathetic could I be...

Allac moaned out in pain as I watch him slam against the floor hard the two men pointing there knifes down at him.

Outnumbered...knew it had felt too easy.

"I give you credit to have got this far. But it's not going to be that easy. Give up if I was you kid," the women smirks again pushing me forward slightly taking my weight but keeping the knife very close to my throat.

I grit my teeth. Fuck...

"Just don't hurt him," said Allac as he is dragged to his feet by the two men.

"Don't think your in a position where you can be telling me what to do. Yet its not very often I get to have this much fun," she laughs as she puts her hand to my cheek which makes me cringe.

The force of her slap echoed down the corridor and I felt my cheek open up slightly at the mare force of it.

"Your troubles have just begun...what is your name?" She whispers into ear again.

"Go fuck yourself!" I tell her.

"Leave him alone!" Allac shouts struggling against the two men.

I watch in horror as the knife near my throat is taken away and thrown towards Allac but as it went to leave her hand I shifted from her grip throwing myself forward grabbing the knife before it reached Allac falling to the ground harshly.

She's on me twisting me around pinning me there. "You little shit. How dare you," she says to me.

"How dare you attack my friend who is defenceless. Your a coward," I spit at her.

"Looks like I'm not the first person you really pissed off. This scar on your face," she begins.

"None of your business," I retort back.

"Oh kid...have you never been taught how to pick your fights," she laughs pulling the knife from my hand and cutting my face but only slightly. "I should do much more after that but I have plenty of time to have fun with you. Take that idiot to Lewis. This one is mine," she says as she yanks me back to my feet knife by my throat once more.

"No..." I say as I watch Allac being taken away from me.

"I'll worry more about yourself. I rather call you by your name then kid."

I grit my teeth. "I'm not a kid."

"It's kid or your name your choice."

"Arrow," I manage as she pulls me down the corridor.

"Arrow...what an interesting name."

"What do you even want with us?" I ask.

"Oh well that give it all away Arrow. But you will find out soon enough."

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