Chapter Twenty Four: Arrow I wish you was here

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Arrow's POV

Pain can be experienced in many ways but it all escolates from physical or mental pain.

Some people will experience one more then the other depending on the life they have led.

I'm not going to sit here and say one is easier then the other. It is not.

Yet I'll give anything to rid my life of some of the people that have chose to be in mine.

I found myself in a situation again that made me fear not only for my life but for the people I hold dear.

Yet now I'm happy. Happy that no one got hurt because of my uncle.

I'm not going to lie about my situation I'm in now.

I've not seen Colin, Tyler, Adam and the rest of my friends and family for a month now.

I've been put through a lot of physical pain and some mental pain from my uncle. It seems I'll never truely escape from my past and my uncle.

I've tried to stay positive. I've tried to stay true to myself. But I'm sorounded by men of violence, evil intentions and fear runs through me every time I see them.

I can't quite grasp how I've ended up here after everything. I left Colin to look after Tyler...we were meant to do it together. But I guess no one can truely have a happy ending or at least not me.

I don't truely understand what my uncle wants from me. Even now.

I feel lost within an endless nightmare that will never end.

Some of the men here...hate me because I am Gay. All I've ever wanted is to live my life in Acceptance of who I am and what I want to do. For moment I felt I had that but now...I have nothing but hate and violence around me. Colin....I miss him so much. I miss my job, Allac and of course Tyler more then words could describe.

It seems nothing will get better. It seems my uncle has power over me and even now after all these years and all he has put me through he will never leave me alone.

I feel the worst is yet to come. This is only the beginning. I will keep going. Keep fighting my way through my sadness and fear.

I'll see you again one day Colin. I hope that day is soon...but yet I don't know what my uncle's end game is. What he truely wants from me.

Will I ever truely know?

Only time would tell.

I wince at the pain coming from my left shoulder. The strain it's been under the last few days has made it very painful.

I hear the usual sound of the door clicking open before the doors are opened up into my small room with a bed, a small lamp by the bed on a night stand and wardrobe which believe it or not has nothing inside.

I had sat myself up against the window. The window that has been bared up so I couldn't escape.

"Good morning dear nephew,' smirks my uncle.

I stare over at him. Glaring almost showing no emotional what so ever.

"Why you got to be like that?"

"Because I don't like you. Because you took me away from my life. A life I tried so hard to get too and you just come ruin it all," I spat at him.

"Don't you like all the attention?" He asks me.

This man never seems to surprise me. He is sick in the head.

"I don't give a shit about that and what attention you talking about exactly. The bullying, the threats or constant violence that is enflicted on me?"

He laughs, "Oh come on. Your not going to let that phrase you right? Some people are more open to sexuality then others. You must be use to it."

"Fuck you," I simply say getting bored of this conversation already.

"Look Arrow. I need you to come with me somewhere today. I'll get someone in to give you some fresh clothes. Have a shower and meet you at breakfast." He turned and headed back out the door locking it behind himself.

I wonder what lovely outing I'll be having with my uncle today...

Colin's POV

I bang my hand on my desk frustration building up after my conversation on the phone with Tyler's headmaster.

I pull open my draw and grab my tablets before taking two with my glass of water on the desk.
"You alright brother? I just popped over to drop your new batch of tablets off," says Jerrod as he comes and sits down opposite me leaving tablets on my desk.

"No not really. My husbands been missing for a month. Tyler is going through the wars with himself. The Doctors are saying he has depression  and don't bloody blame the kid. Just had the school on the phone Tyler got into another fight. The third time in a month. I'm honestly struggling here," I tell him.

"I'm sorry, Colin. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"It's alright Jerrod. You have only just healed up your leg. I know you got your own shit to sort out. I want to kill him. Jim and I'm not a violent person but that man. I really could kill him and not even care," I whisper.

"Arrow probably kill you for being so stupid. Think about Tyler," he begins.

"I am thinking about Tyler but also Arrow. That kids a mess because he took Arrow again. Arrow is his dad just as much as I am. Arrow hasn't even been given a chance to prove what a good dad he can be. I have no doubt of that but yet...that man ruins everything for us."

"I know...I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. Look can you and Connor come over tonight. Might help Tyler have some sort of company apart from me," I say to him.

"Sure we can come tonight. Try not stress yourself out. Tablets only help so much you know it could trigger it and that's not what you or anyone else wants. Arrow would kill you for sure," he smiled trying to make light of a horrible situation.

"I'll try."

Yet I fear my own sorrow and anger inside me. Jerrod is right. It could trigger at any point. Stress is one of them...I must calm down.

Arrow...I wish you was here.

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