Chapter Twenty Seven: Lets go for it.

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Colin's POV

I lay next to Arrow sound a sleep next to me. I put my hand through his hair unable to sleep scared that someone will take him away from me again.

He spent a few days in hospital but he refused to stay any longer and I don't blame him.

Once I heard what happened to him I couldn't find many words to comfort him. What could I say to make him feel better. I couldn't could I?

The man that tried to rape him is dead and so is his uncle...his uncle that in the end saved him from being raped. I couldn't quite believe it. In the end he did the right thing but it wouldn't ever change the fact that it was his fault Arrow was put in such a situation. Wouldn't ever change what that man had put Arrow through most of his life.

I hate to say this but I'm glad he is dead. I'm glad he has finally gone....

Kilma is alive...I hope extra precautions are put into place so he has no chance of getting out of prison this time.

Arrow started moving wildly next to me screaming out loud waking himself up. He looked over at me and sighed.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah...I thought I was back with my uncle for a second," he whispered.

"Never again. He is gone," I say to him taking his hand.

He nods. "I know. I need a drink and maybe some fresh air," he said getting out of bed but grabbing his medication off the bedside table as he did.

I get out of bed after him. "Okay but I'm coming with you. Also take it easy," I say offering my arm for support which he took gracefully.

We go into the kitchen to get him a glass of water and head out onto our small balcony.

We sit down in the chairs we had put out here. I watch him as he takes his tablets before looking at me.

"I'm sorry you got stuck with me," he begins.

"You say it like it's a bad thing I'm with you. To hell with that. I love you with all my heart Arrow. I have for a long time and I'm just so sorry I haven't protected you like I should of been able to do."

He smiled at me. "I didn't know when I would see you again...and it's not your fault Colin. I'm just happy you still want to be with me. After everything."

"That's not ever going to change. I couldn't ever love anyone like I do with you. Don't forget it! I'm here for you, I will do all I can to make sure no one can ruin that. I think we should get away soon. Maybe you me and Tyler. What you think? I think we all could do with it if Allac can hold up the fort a little bit longer," I smile to him.

"I feel so bad for leaving Allac for so long," he begins.

"Not your fault. You can't blame yourself Arrow. None of what has happened is your fault. Please don't keep blaming yourself."

"I know...I guess I'm just full of emotions after all that happened. My body hurts, nightmares have happened every night since they died..."

"Do you need to talk about it. You think you might need to go to someone professional? Whatever you think is best I will support you what ever the case maybe."

"Oh yeah that's what we need  professional telling me how fucked up my life is or my head by this point."

"Arrow," I whisper.

"I'll think about it. What with Tyler already with counselling I don't know if it look that great if I need it."

"No one would hate you or judge you for that. Anyone who has gone through what you have gone through most people would of broke already."

Arrow looks at me and sighs, "Suppose I'm just that strong and awesome" he smirks.

"You sure are," I say as I kiss him on the lips leaning over to him.

I hope we can make it out the other side of this...I hope one day Arrow will feel better in himself and that we can lead happier lives.

I guess only time would tell. I will always stand by my strong, loving man that I wouldn't ever change. I'm a lucky man to have him.

I'm just so happy he is back by my side where he belongs.

Stay strong Arrow the best parts of our life is to come!

Jerrod's POV

I stood in front of Allac who is busy on his computer but looks up at me. "You and Connor want to adopt?" He asks me.

"Yeah we do," said Connor beside me before I could.

"Well always looking for good parents to look after the kids that desperately need it. I can show you through some kids that desperately need a home first and we can go from there," he smiled at us.

"Sounds good," I smile back.

We spent an hour with Allac going through a lot of paperwork and to try find someone to adopt who would really need us.

I find myself sitting outside the building with a coffee in my hand.

"You alright?" Connor asks sitting down beside me.

"How do you decide? All those kids need a home. It's not easy to just pick one," I say to him.

"Well we could adopt more then one in the future, Jerrod. But we don't know if we even be good parents. But we can certainly try," he smiles at me.

"Yeah suppose you right? You feel anyone in particular?"

"To be honest Max sounds like he has been through some tough times. I was thinking maybe seeing him if you would want too."

I nod, "Let's go for it."

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