Chapter Thirty Five: He is a true friend

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Arrow's POV

Being tired is the least of my worries right now but yet I let sleep take me for a short while.

I woke to the door being unlocked to reveal that tall man again.

"Your decision?" He simply asks.

I look at him and sigh. "Do I have any choice but to go with you? I go with you or I die right?"

"That is true. Good to know you know you don't have much of a choice. Ben and Scott get him untied. Feed him and get him some water. After that change of clothes. We are leaving in two hours. We are done here."

I got led to a different room with at least dozen of people. All in those strange suits. They fed me and got me some water watching me while I ate and drank.

Soon after I got given a change of clothes and had to change right in front of them. They are taking no risks to allow me to escape.

I felt cleaner but still in a lot of pain and my ankle just wanting to give up as they lead me out the room.

I go with them wondering if I would get a chance to run for it when we got outside.

We reach outside. I knew something to be very wrong right off as one of the guys in the suit grabbed my arm tightly pulling me behind one of there cars I take.

"Why you holding my arm so tight," I say forcing my arm back from him.

"Fight your way out. We will meet at the meeting point!" I hear the tall man's voice nearby.

Chaos soon followed. I kept myself hidden behind the car knowing its best to stay hidden for now.

I hear the chaos around me, my heart pumping hundred miles an hour in my chest. I keep myself against the car relived my ankle could be rested, for how long though I don't know.

I wish I could just be back home right now. Away from all this madness.

The cry of pain broke me from my thoughts. It sounded scarily like Colin.

I get to my feet ignoring the pain I am in. If that is Colin he needs my help.

"What you doing!" The guy demands beside me.

"You honestly going to try stop me?" I ask glaring at him.

"You want to get killed. Go for it!"

That isn't the plan but glad he isn't going to stop me.

I limp around the car seeing if I can spot Colin nearby in trouble.

Time runs out for everyone one day. It might not be today or tomorrow or even in a year. But life has a funny way of treating you.

Today is that day for me. I barely made it around the car as I felt something dig into my right side of my back.

I turn in anger and disarm who had attacked me rather quickly. Putting myself now at the advantage and with a weapon but I knew the wound inflicted could be my undoing.

I take my chance and head toward the trees quickly getting away from the person who had attacked me using the tree for support.

Where is Colin?

Is he okay?

Am I to late?

"Arrow," I hear someone call my name.

At first I thought I was hallucinating. This couldn't be real. No way could she be here.

How could she be here?

She died...she killed herself but yet it is her. Right in front of me. Bow and arrow in hand wearing one of those suits.

She is one of them?

She can't be...maybe I passed out and I'm dreaming.

How could Lilly be alive?

"How?" I managed to ask.

"I wanted to be dead. I didn't want to live no more. They gave me away out," she whispered to me looking at me with her soft eyes. The eyes of one of my best friends that I thought I would never see again.

I keep myself against the tree the loss of blood slowly taking effect on me.

This makes no sense....

Part of me is happy to see her alive but the other part is angry that she let Paul, Caz and I go through all that just because she didn't want to carry on with life with us.

She ran from it all...ran from us. She is with these people...has she killed? She must of done or they wouldn't let her be with them. It makes me want to throw up at the thought they maybe we could of helped her in some way. That we let her down. That this is how she is now. I thought she would be at peace somehow after death...I was sadly mistaken.

"Arrow...I am sorry that I made you believe I was dead but it was for the best for all of us if I just let you belive that and I went on my way."

"To do what exactly? Kill people? Playing hunting games on people's lives that have done nothing wrong. This isn't right. None of it is. How could you even think this is where you should be," I say getting angry.

"I won't sit here and say that I'm innocent or they are good people. They are not but they have done more for me then anyone else in my life. Least I can do is try help them," she said raising the bow and arrow at me.

"You being serious? You are going to actually kill me?" I ask shocked at her sudden change of attitude.

This is no longer the Lilly I use to know.

"It seems your pretty out for the count already to be honest. But no your coming with me. Andrew wants you to join us," she says slowly walking towards me.

I raise the knife in my hand. "No. I am not going with you. Colin and Tyler need me. I have husband and son to look after," I tell her.

She sighs, "You married Colin in the end then. That's cute and a son...I'm happy you found something to keep hold of but I'm sorry. That life is over now. We try find you someone when we get away from here."

"You are just as crazy as the rest of them!" I shout.

"I watched my dad die in front of me. Do you really blame me," she retorts.

"No excuse. Think your dad be proud at what you have become," I begin.

"Don't you dare speak about my dad. You don't have a clue at all about what I've had to deal with!"

"Think I've had it all happy rainbows? I've been abused for most of my life and went through hell and back again for being gay. I've been used, dragged and beat the shit out of. I've been stabbed and nearly fucking rapped. I still wouldn't go killing people for the fun of it," I tell her the honest truth. "So yes I will mention your dad because maybe it might make you realise what the hell your doing."

The first arrow flew right at me. I honest thought as I watched it coming fast that this is it. It's all over for me. Killed by one of my best friends that I thought was dead but I felt myself being pushed to the ground with someone.

"Nice way to greet an old friend. How the fuck are you even alive? We went through hell dealing with your death!" Paul shouts who is beside me.

He just saved my life...He is a true friend till the end.

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora