Chapter Thirteen: A long night

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Arrow's POV

I lay on the bed in the medical bay which is actually where people would of use to seat, eat and drink when this hotel use to be open. Now it's a room full of medical equipment, beds and to a women who had been looking after me.

I'm currently on some very strong pain killers and believe I've been asleep for a good day or so.

I miss Colin. Having him beside me, sharing his embrace. I miss my little brother and sister. I miss my work and Allac. I miss my dad. I feel truly alone right now and have no idea when I'll see them all again.

I still hadn't got round to give Paul or Caz a ring. It's been too long...

"You alright?" asks the man that had gave me my nice new cut on my cheek, a cut that will become a scar and be there to always remind me for the rest of my life.

"Like you care!" I snap.

He raised his eyebrows, "I don't not really...but Jim wants you as my new partner so I guess we both have to tolerate each other I guess. So what's your story apart from Jim being your uncle."

"You really interested in that or you that bored?"

"Suit yourself kid. I just thought since we will be spending sometime together and being partners that it be good to at least know somethings about each other."

"I rather not. At the end of the day I don't want to be here...this isn't my choice. I have a home, a life and people to help yet I'm stuck here in another scheme of my uncles. That man has never done anything to support me or care about me. Not exactly someone I would want to do something like this with."

"I see. Well if it helps at all I'm not his biggest fan either. But I need this job."

"If you call this a job your just as bad as everyone here. Do what you want but don't think I'm going to seat here and have a friendly chat with you."

He raised his eyebrows again at me. "What you so afraid of?" He suddenly asks me.

I stare back at him and sigh. "I would be lying if I said I'm not afraid...look my so called uncle has never treated me well. He always has seemed to hate me. Its as simple as that."

"So your afraid of him?"

"So what if I am. I always have been I guess."

"I don't blame you. The real him is pretty terrifying. You might not even know everything about him."

"I probably don't and I don't want to know. Do you know what he is doing to those four kids?" I ask him.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Beats me..."

So he has no idea either...just great.

"Jim doesn't trust Adam. No surprise since Adam here has tried to kill Jim a good few times. So Jim wants to see you," says Kam who just entered the room.

"Who him or me?" I ask.

She laughed and came over to my bed. "You of course. Jim isn't in the mood for Adam right now."

Adam looked at her, "I'm sure that's not the case."

She shakes her head. "You believe what you want too Adam like I give a fuck. Now come on Arrow," she says offering her hand to help me out of bed.

I took her hand and with a bit of a struggle I climbed out the bed and she led me out into the corridor.

Once she closed the door behind us she pinned me to the wall all too quickly.

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now