Chapter Forty Six: I gasp

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Arrow's POV

Pure hate and anger crowds my thoughts.

I barley made it out into the corridor with Kildra before my kicking and punching became to much for him letting go looking at me with pure disgust.

"Don't make this harder then it has to be!" He shouts at me.

I step backwards away from him. "Why don't we have a proper fight? Let's see who wins," I retort back.

"That is not how this works. You can't fight both of us and it's not exactly like your in good condition is it," said Kilma as he steps forward towards me with Kildra right by his side.

"At least I'm not a coward. At least I happy admit to my mistakes unlike you two. You want to watch me suffer? What the hell have I ever done but do the right thing. Maybe I've pissed you off but I never asked you to come into my life. This ends tonight one way or the other. So fucking attack me go for it. I will not go quietly," I tell them.

"We will win Arrow but not before you get the special treatment we said about," said Kilma.

They both lunge at me at the same time but I slide myself under their legs with one swift movement my hand latching onto the knife hanging in Kilma's pocket before moving myself quickly from them.

This is it.

This is when every moral in the world is disintegrated from my thoughts.

Kill is the only thought running through my brain.

Only thing I can think about.

I have to end this right?

I have to kill them?

Suddenly commotion from close by made me freeze.

The scream that sounded awfully like Colin, my one true weakness. My one true love...

"Drop the knife kid. Or your husband gets it," ringed a voice as I watch a man in a lab coat come around the corner Colin being held with a knife to his throat, blood dripping down his head.

"Colin what the hell you done to him," I said holding firm to the knife in my hand.

"Not much yet but I'm sure if you don't drop that knife now I'll slice his throat here and now. I won't think twice!"

He could be bluffing but I know he isn't.

This was my only chance and it gets ripped away from me...again!

I drop the knife on the ground.

"You see you can't win Arrow. Lewis would do anything for us."

"Why," I whisper.

"Because they understand my work. Because no one else ever did! I would do anything for them as I owe them everything. Glad you made the right choice it would of been a shame to have had to kill him don't you think Arrow?"

" okay?" I ask him.


I look into his eyes. No Colin. No I'm not. We shouldn't be here but yet we are.

You just got threatened to be killed because...because of me.

"I'm okay," I manage.

"For now. You going to come quietly?" asks Kildra.

"What choice do I have?"

"I suppose. Don't look so defeated Arrow. This is just way it was always going to go in the end. Now let the real fun truely begin."

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora