Chapter Thirty Three: Where is the girl?

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Jerrod's POV

I feel tired. Its probably about six in the morning now. The sun is slowly rising in the distance. I feel my eyes wanting to give up. But I won't let them. We are close to campsite now. We have been following Arrow's dad's police car this entire time.

Connor is driving. Adam is in the back seat with Allac. Of course I had been reluctant to even let then come. They wouldn't stop going on that they want to help. But what help would we all be if we got ourselves hurt or killed?

I can't help but always think the worst about everything. Life hasn't been kind to any of us.

I notice the scenery changing. Trees becoming more apparent as we drive down a narrow road. We must be really close now. I watch as the police car turns left and shortly after we arrive into a car park. The car park is full of cars but no sign of any life.

I feel my heart racing in my chest by this point as Connor parks up.

"From what we know. There are plenty killers out here. You all need to have your guard up and be careful," I say to all three of them. I notice the ambulance park up next to the police car as more police cars arrive.

I can't seat here and say this isn't scary. It is. But we have plenty of trained officers. Arrow's dad has made sure of that. It is his son after all and he has been loyal to the police service for a long time. Its the least they could do. Plus this is a messed up situation. This has to stop here and now.

Let's hope we make it through today all alive.

Arrow's POV

I lean against the tree. My heart racing, limbs hurting. My back aching. Knife in one hand and a bow and arrow on my back.

I feel slightly sick, slightly faint. I've been fighting and running for at least an hour now. Split up from Jordon within those first ten minutes.

I just hope Colin and Tyler are still safe in that cave. I hope we lured them far away from there.

I go to look out from behind the tree as I heard a loud thud and yelling. I can almost make out a slight Scottish accent.

"I'm not trying to kill you. Calm down kid. I'm here to help," I hear someone saying. I move from behind the tree to get closer to see who it is.

I felt the arrow hit my lower leg taking me off balance and I fall hard. I crawl to the next tree and put my back against it. I pull the arrow out cursing at letting my guard down.

"Come on. Its no fun if you don't even cry out," said a voice. They are close.

Suddenly I hear a cry of pain and struggling near by but I keep myself against the tree. I try control my breathing.

This is getting too much even for me. What is my next move? What is going on at this point?

I hear footsteps behind the tree I am against. I try not breath. I try think what I should do. Attack or run?

"You going to come out?" I hear a voice ask.

I struggle to my feet knife held firm in my hand as I expose myself to the new figure in front of me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Arrow?" He asked me casually.


"I'm Alex. I work with your dad. He is here fighting of these crazy group of people. You know who that kid is?" He asks pointing to a young girl hiding behind a tree.

I shake my head, "No but there are probably plenty of people here trying to not get themselves killed," I say to him.

"Fair enough. You okay?"

"I've been better," I tell him the truth.

"Yeah...I can see that. We will get you to safety. Why you alone?"

"I thought I try fight them off. Lure them away from Colin and Tyler. My husband and son," I say to him.

"Your dad said your very brave and protective of them but also said you have been through alot and now this."

"Yeah something like that," I begin but I move pulling the officer with me as an arrow came out of nowhere missing us as I pulled us out the way.

"How many are there," Alex said looking frustrated.

"The girl," I begin. I run over to the tree where the girl was but someone grabbed me by the throat trying to get the knife. I twist my body and manage to put the knife into there side. They let go crying out in pure shock of what I had managed to do.

"The girl," I begin as a second figure came at me.

I push them back and put the knife out in front of me. "Back the fuck up. Where is the girl?"

I felt something hard slam against my head. I feel my whole body crumble at the impact of it. I felt the dirt hit my face as blackness hit instantly.

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