Chapter Thirty Seven: Only time would tell.

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Colin's POV

I pull open the car door as Jerrod and Connor came towards the car.

"You two okay?" I ask.

"Yeah we are okay. Chaos right now. Arrow could be anywhere but his dad's not giving up," Jerrod tells me.

"Arrow...where are you?"

"Maybe Paul is with him. Have to hope he is," says Adam as he arrived in front of us.

He looks a little worse for wear. "You look dreadful," I say to him.

"I'll live. How is your wound?" He asks me.

"It still sore but I don't think it's anything to worry about. I'm just so worried about Arrow."

"I can't blame you there. Because one way or the other. Your husband will be dead by the sun disappears tonight. I would love to chit chat with you Colin but I'm going to put a stop to that meddling kid once and for all," said a heavy voice and dreadful laugh.

I spot Kilma climb out the car near the trees. Gun in hand, knife in the other.

"Shit I'm too late," said a kid who has similar features to Arrow climbing out a taxi.

How is that possible?

"Who are you?" I ask confused.

"I'm Arrow's half brother. I came to his house to meet him but bumped into this creep instead."

"You have the same dad? I thought he had only two kids," I say to him.

" mean Paul right?"

"Yeah. Anyway we won't let you hurt him," I say to Kilma anger rising up inside me.

I have had enough of someone trying to hurt or kill my husband. Kilma has to be dealt with here and now. If not I may never see Arrow alive again. I can't let that happen for not only my sake but for Tyler's and his family. He deserves to be left alone. To be happy. At this point I've had enough of this.

"How are you going to stop me? I like to hear it," laughs Kilma

"I would say it's nice to see you but it's really not," Arrow's voice filled the air.

He came through the trees with Paul aiding him that Lilly.

How is she alive?

This is getting more crazier by the second.

"Who is she?" Jerrod asks puzzled.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you. Arrow," I call to him as I run over to him.

"It's nice to see you, Colin. See I'm here and alive," he smiles at me.

"I can see that...but," I begin.

"I know. I look dreadful and I feel it. Another day as me I guess. So finally here to try kill me," he calls over to Kilma who had been standing next to his car in the same spot since he had got out of it.

"Why you look so confident? I could easily kill you in this state," he said ruthlessly.

"But you are very outnumbered. I have two weapons and Lilly here is a really good shot with a bow and arrow. If I was you I would run while I could. Because your surely to lose," says Arrow.

I take his hand gently. He looks into my eyes, "I'll be fine. Don't worry," he tells me.

I look at the man I love. The man that has been through a life time of shit in his mare twenty years. A brave man, more then most.

I will do all I can to protect him from Kilma

"Just go and don't ever come back!" I shout at Kilma

"Because we will fight you," said Adam which made me smile before the anger I have for this man took over clenching my fists.

Arrow noticed and held my hand more firmly. "It's okay. What is he going to do? He can try but I'm pretty sure he won't make it to me," he tells me.

I nod to agree. We all care for Arrow. He is right. We won't let him make it to him.

Arrow's POV

My first holiday with my husband and adopted son didn't go to plan.

We spent a night fighting, running and getting hurt into the early hours of the following day.

Its a day I won't ever be able to forget or the fact I found my best friend alive after four years of believing her to be dead.

I can't get it out my head and it might be a while till I can feel capable to talk about it with out breaking down.

Tyler's going to have to deal with what happened, I know it will leave a scar like its left a scar with me and I don't mean phycially.

I know I've been through a lot. Had to deal with things that I can't quite believe could be possible but are.

My body has been through alot and no matter how much I've healed or will heal. My body will never be like it was four years ago.

Everyone's life is different and I know mine has been crazy and yet I have this feeling that this isn't the end of it.

Knowing I now have a second step brother and he wants me in his life...I can't help but want to be. If he needs me.

I guess that is just type of person I am. I know Lilly is going to need our help to settle back into a normal life and its not going to be an easy journey for her.

But I will keep fighting. I will keep loving and do all I can for who needs me. I won't let what has happened consume me. I will let it help me build as person, to be an even better husband and father. An even better friend and brother.

I have the rest of my life to fulfil because I got lucky. I got lucky in that forest to survive like I did while so many others didn't.

I'm just so grateful Paul found me when he did. I can always rely on him to be a true friend till the end.

I'm super lucky I have friends and family that care and stop at nothing to help me or save me if I need saving. The same way I would for them.

What does the future hold?

I guess only time will tell.

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