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[Sofia's POV]
Today is Monday which means school. I woke up to my annoying alarm.

It's raining outside and it's also very windy, it looks so sad when you look out the window. The sky is grey and cloudy.

I couldn't help but dream back to Italy, the warm mornings when the sun shined from early morning to late night. The air was warm but it would still cool you of if it was really hot outside.

"I made you pancakes" Carina said.

"Thank you" I said and smiled as I sat down by the table.

"Are you going to school in your pajama?" Carina asked teasingly and laughed.

"No i was just too tired when I woke up" I said.

"Okay well I'm going to take you to school this morning but I might not be able to pick you up afterwards, I'm sure Maya can come pick you up" she said.

"Or I could just walk" I said.

"Your not walking, accept my offer" she said sternly.

"Sorry" I said and looked away.

"No I'm sorry Sofia I don't mean for it to come out as rude" she said.

"I'm going to change my clothes now" I said as I had finished breakfast.

I got in to my room and changed in to a pair of black jeans and a navy blue T-shirt that's v-neck.
I brushed my hair and my teeth.

I put on my shoes and jacket as I waited for Carina to drive me.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yes" I said.

The drive towards school was quiet, comfortably quiet.

When we reached our destination I took a big deep breath in to calm my nerves.

"Your going to do good okay?" She said.

"C-can you keep your phone on incase something happens?" I asked.

"Of course, good luck Sofia" she said as I closed the door.

I walked to the front office and waited for someone to get there.

"Hi I'm new here so I was looking for my schedule" I said kindly to the woman in the desk.

"I'm sorry?" She said.

"Schedule, I'm looking for my schedule" I repeated.

"Oh yes, name?" She said.

"Sofia Deluca" I answered.

"Here's your schedule, first class is just down the hall with mr.Andersen" she said and gave me a smile.

"Alright, thank you" I said and took of to the classroom.

I double checked so it was the right classroom before going in.

Almost every seat was taken except one in the front by the windows, I sat down and put my backpack next to me. Luckily no one sat next to me.

"Welcome back to a new semester, I'm mr.Andersen and I'll be teaching you in Mathematics" he said.

He read thru everyone's name and took their attendance.

"Sofia Deluca?" He said.

"Here sir" I said.

"Ah your the new girl, would you like to introduce yourself?" He asked.

"M-my name is Sofia and I'm from Italy" I said shortly.

"I want everyone to make Sofia feel welcome here, be nice" he said.

I turned my attention back to the streets and all the different cars and people that passed by.

Mr.Andersen walked to my desk and sat down by the chair next to mine.

"Here's your mathematic book, I understand that it might be hard since it's in English" he said, which caused my face to turn red.

"If you need any extra help I'm here any time, try your best that's all I'm asking for" he said and smiled.

"Thank you" I said quietly.

I understand the meaning of what he said but it still made me embarrassed because I got some looks form the other students after that.
They probably think I'm strange.

As the class ended I walked to my other class that started straight after this one.

I sat down by the windows again and waited for the classroom to fill up.

"Today we are learning English grammar, I'm going to talk about it and then you'll get homework over the weekend to finish. Later this semester you will have a bigger test about this and it will be about thirty precent of your grade" the teacher said.

I sighed knowing I there's no chance I will succeed on that test or the homework, I don't know anything about grammar and I don't want to ask for help because I won't get it either way.

As the class ended I grabbed the homework paper and walked out to the parking lot where Maya was waiting for me.

I got in the car and buckled in.

"How did it go?" She asked.

"Fine" I said.

"Make any friends?" She asked gently.

"No" I replied.

"You will, just give it some time" she said.

I sighed and leaned against the door of the car window.

As we got back to the apartment I took my chance to get a power nap while Carina was still at work.

I fell asleep quickly.

Maybe if I changed something in myself so people would talk to me at school.

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