I'm Bored so Xena Facts

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I'm working on an art chapter but my drawing phone died so-


1: You know how she can create more than a dozen of these floating energy daggers at a time? They work like honing missiles, just slightly less explosive.

By that, I mean they explode into burning shards on impact, alongside piercing through whatever she was aiming at, so not only do you get stabbed, you get exploding shrapnel all over.


2: She's not immune to her own powers- well most of them at least. She has an exploding power where she generates a radiant energy orb, then throws it at her target; then it explodes, mimicking a dying star. Whenever she does this, she throws it and bolts the other way and hides.

Last time she stayed to see what happened (13, dumb and curious), she got 3rd-degree burns all over her arms and upper body.


3: She also has a charged kick move. Her fighting style is mainly acrobatic (cuz cat-), and she can jump to about 17 feet. So, occasionally, she'll pull a roundhouse kick combined with a sudden energy burst, and practically yeet her target a good 10 feet.

Other times she just straight-up burns them-


4: She wears a corset (the kind that goes up over the bust), usually to work or formal events.


5: Her teleportation ability works a bit like autosaving in a video game. For example, let's say she gets thrown in the middle of the lake; about 100 feet from shore. If she teleports, she'd return to where she had just stood (before being thrown), completely dry.

Most of the time it ends up looking like a, "*teleports behind you* nothing personal kid" moment-


6: She also has a plunge attack in battle! Basically:

But with an 8-ft sword-

also she'll practically clear the area that was at least 20 ft within the attack range-

So she often does it in a crowded battle-


7: Xena either ties her hair back into a bun or a braid in her battle outfit. Sometimes if she doesn't have a hair band, she uses a glowing dagger to hold the bun.


8: Alongside Dana, Xena's first instinct is to get into a defensive position in front of Dusty when threatened on patrol- since Dusty is the weakest of the group and more vulnerable.


9: Her hair fluffs when startled.


10: If she's pissed off/had a particularly rough day, she doesn't go home. Instead she actively seeks out enemy or poacher stands and rage-annihilates everyone there. I can't describe it any other way, she just goes insane until she's chill-


11: She has insane stamina. Which is funny considering she's a cat- an animal who sleeps like 60-70% of its life away-

But she can do some of the most physically draining combo attacks and barely break a sweat. Her current high score is 16 hits in a row-


12: The only other weapons she knows how to use, other than a sword and daggers, is a spear.


13: Out of her entire group, she has the worst temper/emotional outbursts. She never loses it in front of her family though, surprisingly enough.


14: In her canon death scenario, she makes Daedalus kill her instead of Dusty, like I originally planned. I figured having to murder your childhood friend who still shows compassion towards you despite you trying to harm her multiple times would be more painful.


15: Okay steering away from angst- when sparring with Zeliah, she aims for the braid sometimes. She intends on getting revenge (since Zeliah cut her hair short with her axe-)-


16: She still has Herc's original white-to-blue fade hoodie.


17: She has feline fangs. And they're focking s h a r p -

One time she bit Dana on the arm when she was 16 to prove a point and she still has the scar-


18: Her sword is actually a dagger. In battle, when she summons it, it turns 80% radiant energy, giving it the illusion and feeling that it's a solid weapon.


19: She wears one of those sleeveless turtleneck tops under her battle outfit.


20: She has two major scars on her body. One curved scar on her right hip/side of her abdomen (stabbed herself with a glowing blade by accident when she was 12) and a long sword scar on her back (stabbed by a Black Mark member).

If she wasn't a Mystic, she'd be absolutely covered in different types of scars.


21: A lot of her attacks and power-related weapons mimic things like stars and astrological phenomenons.


22: She has painted nails (claws-). Pale gold; she's had the same color since Dusty painted them about two years ago.


23: She despises vodka for some reason. She tried it once when she was 17 and now she stays away from it like the plague.

Though she does like white wine-


24: She has an overcharged form, which only happens when she severely works her powers past their limits. It's only happened a few times.

To make a somewhat long description short: glowy markings and hair for like 10 hours and inability to use her powers-


25: She's weirdly flexible?? Like I know she's a cat but like-


26: She has really faint paw print markings on her hands. They're paler than her skin, and you won't see them unless you really look, but they're there. They serve no purpose other than being cute-


27: You can't hide anything from this woman, she WILL find it- she notices everything-


28: She's insanely competitive, but usually doesn't make it obvious (unless she's in a duel like with Zeliah, then she goes all out-)


29: She makes a joke out of her height- it doesn't actually bother her. Sometimes it's annoying but otherwise she just makes fun of it-


30: She can hang suspended in the air for a bit, using her telekinesis. Her longest time in the air was about an hour at 6 feet off the ground.
Then she just fell-


uh that's it-


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