My Dear Prince

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(I am getting into writing scenarios again and I feel uNSTOPPABLE-
Also this is based off the pinned comment on the video above, so credits to the user who wrote that for the idea-)



Xena Lawless, a well-known assassin among the kingdoms, has been sent to murder the current King of Atlaris (Leonardo) by any means necessary. Though she succeeded through poison at the annual royal ball, she was caught.


A low growl rattled the throat of the blonde as she darted through the corridors of the aquamarine palace, the sound of rapid footfalls and muffled voices of guards on her heels echoing through the chamber. She avoided looking over her shoulder, focusing on the spiral staircase up ahead. In one swift motion, she grabbed the hem of her dress and bolted up the stairs, skipping a few steps as she ran to the the nearest room with a balcony.

She slammed the door to a master bedroom open, heart racing as she ran to the glass doors at the side of the room, unlocking and throwing them apart. The air was frigid, pale blue moonlight illuminating the tile floors of the bedroom and lighting up her silhouette. The patterns that reflected off the walls and ceiling mimicked that of caustic waves; a gorgeous contrast to the brilliant gold and cream of the assassin's gown.

The young woman quickly closed the seven-foot distance between the railing and the doors, gloved hands resting on the deep teal of the stone barrier. Below was a thousand-foot drop to the freezing ocean; certain death, should one fall or, God forbid, jump. The waves crashing against the rocks was louder than anything she'd ever heard, and it sent chills down her spine.

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the Prince and the palace guards rushing in, weapons drawn. The Prince's sapphire gaze flicked frantically about the room, before it landed on the golden figure of the woman who poisoned his father. The demigod's brow furrowed in rage upon seeing her, and he bolted forward- only to suddenly be blocked by a golden blade flying for his face. Luckily, it stopped mere centimetres from his nose, hovering in place.

An icy gaze traced the blade back to the young woman, who held herself confidently as she stared back at the soon-to-be prince. His eyes narrowed, muzzle scrunching into a snarl.

"'re smart, I'll give you that," he hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "Poisoning my father like that, though? You're not about to get away with that."

"You know that's not true," retorted the blonde. "You've never been able to catch me; even as children, I was always a step ahead. What makes you think you'll get me now?"

His low growl was met with a sly smile from the assassin, her peridot eyes glinting with hidden malice. There were about five seconds of silence before a female guard, who stood at his right, spoke, "Awaiting further orders, Your Highness."

The Prince's ears flattened against his head as he held out his dominant arm, silently saying 'hold it', his gaze fixated on the woman in front of him. He didn't dare let her out of his sights.

"Lawless, you have nowhere to run. I suggest you turn yourself in. Now," he snarled. "You know what happens to murderers in this kingdom."

The blonde seemed to ignore his subtle threat, stepping back to lean against the banister and flicking the golden dagger back into her hand. The dagger disintegrated into a fine golden dust in the palm of her hand, slipping through her claws and fluttering down to the cold white floor of the balcony.

"Ah, stop playing the tough game. Your threats don't work on me, and you know that," she purred. She only leaned farther back on the railing, maintaining eye contact with the Prince. She inhaled sharply.

"We'll meet again, my dear Hercules."

With a brief salute, she tipped back, kicking herself off the balcony in one fluid motion.





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