Alyx lore explained by an idiot

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Okay so like

I've been working a bit on Alyx, Kineta and Samael's lore and their home dimension and shit and I decided to post what little I have of it

I was gonna add sketches but I'm tired and don't want to so


So essentially, their homeland is currently a barren wasteland. It didn't look any better before, though.

It used to be ravaged with all kinds of war and conflict. The main story focuses on the continent his family is placed in. It was...beyond corrupt to say the least.

Ruled by an unstable, bloodlusting dictator and her husband, the continent of [REDACTED] was crumbling from the inside out. None of the citizens held compassion, and those who did were taken advantage of and utterly destroyed, commonly to the point of suicide. Theft, murder, and other crimes were constantly at what would be considered an "all time high".

Essentially, nobody was good or pure - even the children, who were taught to kill/steal/etc as soon as possible.

Even Kineta and Samael.

They were only 5 and 7 when the War began - and they had just (sadly) welcomed a new sibling into the family.

Their dictator had waged war against the second country of [REDACTED], having grown bored of watching her subjects kill and rob each other. She decided to turn her eyes on a bigger challenge, soon forgetting her children as she always had.

A year and a few months into the war, their enemy proved stronger than expected, soon invading their home. Given that their "army" was a large mob of trashy, rage-fueled abusers and murderers, they were quickly destroyed by more advanced forces.

Everything blurs into chaos from here. There are no exact records of what happened, except for old, battered flyers and the word of the last two survivors of the War - our wolf-people.

Kineta was distraught upon finding out her youngest brother was gone from the shelter they had been hiding in. Though, the chaos and bloodshed of war scared her and Samael off from searching further, and they went into hiding to avoid losing their lives.

After the dust settled, and they were safe to come out, they were more than relieved to find their mother - and all of their country - dead. Though their father was nowhere to be seen, he was known as the Coward Husband, so they assumed he had died or run off as well.

Kineta was the only one of the duo who cared about Alyx and where he went. Samael forgot about him - he never really cared about Alyx, as harsh as that sounds - and focused more on survival, while Kineta was hellbent on exploring and finding clues about her brother.

This dynamic carried on far into their preteens, till they eventually found the land bridge which connected the two warring countries. Their rival didn't seem to be doing too well either, having been wiped almost completely out by a disease not unlike the Black Plague.

It wasn't long before Kineta and Samael found out they were top targets - like, kill-on-sight, bounty on their heads targets. But like the dumbass tweens they were, they ended up (sOMEHOW) escaping to the more protected mountainous areas of the country.

They also accidentally stumbled upon two Deities' resting grounds and got their powers from their dying bodies, but I haven't done that bit yet.

Eventually they were chased back into their home country, where they ended up exploring the backcountry of their lands after going through their former home again, searching for food (Samael) and clues (Kineta).

Breaking out of story mode, lemme explain some dumb shit real quick.

- Most universes are linked via a portal, in my world at least, with this portal being a lake or pond. Sometimes they accidentally link with portals in other worlds. For example - ink portals. From an ink demon lookalike.

- In a nutshell, the reason the youngest child (Alyx) went missing during the war was because his father felt horrible and wanted to at least give him a chance to live a life free of the abuse and trauma he and the other two went through.

-So he just put him in the lake portal and fuckin' hoped for the best because this bitch was getting hunted by enemy forces. He couldn't find Kineta and Samael before he was gored and brutally killed by the portal, so there was no chance of saving those two as well.

-The reason Alyx ended up in an ink factory was because the portal linked up with Bela's ink portal. I'll,,, explain that in another chapter, eventually. Probably.

Okay back into story mode.

After Kineta found old flyers her younger self put up in vain after the war's end and mythology books of their world, she used her newfound Deity powers to drag Samael to the portal.

They then spent over...20-25 years hopping across different dimensions, going through different hells and heavens and everything in between, and going through different arcs until Samael accidentally found the right portal to the world Alyx was in. And fell in because he didn't see it until he was already falling. Kineta followed out of pure separation anxiety.

It was a stroke of pure luck that basically brought them right to him.

Also, as a bonus - Kineta only noticed Alyx because she recognized spiky black hair and tall wolf ears over the crowd. Her dumbass immediately went to run across a busy road just to confront him (read; hug him half to death and cry hysterically). The only reason she didn't get hurt was because Samael grabbed her hoodie before she even stepped foot on the road.

Anyways I'm gonna go die real quick, I have to write an essay on something I know nothing about, catch up on two weeks' worth of overdue science assignments and sort out a new OC arc I've never done before which is due to be put in motion today (Thursday Oct. 21)-


please kill me my brain feels like if you pressed every option on a soundboard hundreds of times at the same time I am so stressed I can't remember anything this isn't a joke please I am suffering hel

Edit: so I wrote this while hysterical at like 4AM yesterday but I'm keeping it because it's funny-

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