the viper [ pt. III ]

16 1 0

I'm so tired


"that soul - I'll be taking it."

> picture to be added in the near future <

| you unlocked sr oc - the viper |

- basic information -

| full name |
| Lynette Cora Vipera |

| gender & sexuality |
| cis female + panromantic graysexual |

| height + weight |
| 5'11" - 136 lbs |

| voice actress |


| combat information |

| weapon class |
| archer + spellcaster - support + healer |

| elements + talent |
| Moon + Thunder - faerie curse |

| weapon |
| ravon's blessing - magic-infused bow + grimoire |

| unique abilities |

| familiar's song - in which Lynette calls upon her familiar, Tero, using a spell to temporarily take his raven form in order to increase movement speed.

| fangs of venom - in which Lynette summons Phantom Jaws around her opponent's head, clamping down and inflicting said opponent with the Burning and Paralysis effects for up to 20 seconds.

| melting feather - in which Lynette summons an enchanted feather, entrusting all her magic to it and deploying it onto the battlefield. the feather stays in its place for up to thirty seconds, creating a large field that heals and grants any party member [aside from Lynette herself] elemental buffs.
for the time the feather is on the field, you cannot deploy Lynette into battle. this ability consumes all of her stamina and all attacks from her will be 100% useless.

| moonstrike - in which Lynette hypnotizes her target for up to five seconds, briefly bending said target to her will. after the hypnosis spell wears off, the target is abruptly struck with rapid bolts of lightning, causing the Disoriented and Paralysis effects.

| alliances |
| Xena & co.
| Lucky Number Seven


| personality & behavior |

| you think she's the cool-headed, sensible one, right? fool. she's the most chaotic Mystic in this Godforsaken group.

she has quite the history of causing havoc, including:
- burning down her cursed family's manor
- summoning an otherworldly being to destroy a well-known sex trafficking ring and everyone responsible for it
- stealing the magic from multiple Mystic Hearts to become a jack of all trades to make up for her lack of natural magic
- wrestling (and killing) a sea serpent and stealing most of its magic, all over a baked apple
- blowing up a casino that was a cover-up for ANOTHER sex trafficking ring
- accidentally burning the forest of whispering souls down. twice.
- hunting shadow monsters for sport, to the point of being the cause of shadow monsters' generational trauma/natural fear of Mystics
- breaking a guitar over a catcaller's head. and stabbing his friend with the remains.
- broke Johnathan Panthra's jaw as a teenager by hitting him with a crowbar. he still has the scar
- and beheading her cultist, rapist brother to spite her "family" as a child

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