oc dating hcs wOO

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I like doing these oc x reader headcanons- they're fun-

I'm gonna skip the ones already in a relationship-


= the black mark =

[ Duvessa Otiento x  reader ]
- oh God
- welp, congrats - you now have an extremely powerful girlfriend
- be prepared for lots of teasing ajskds-
- surprisingly soft around you??
- the kind of girlfriend to gladly play with your hair while you complain about your day
- use her as a pillow. you know you want to.
- the second you start dating, you have earned both Duvessa & Daedalus' protection-
- they're like your personal bodyguards man
- lots,,, and lots of face and temple kisses-
- if you're taller than her she WILL make herself taller solely so she can kiss you-
- "don't worry darlin', dinner's on me"
- don't ask where she got the money


[ Icarus Heru x reader ]
- he's literally a fuckign shiny crow so expect a lot of gifts and random handmade things
- very shy, brief kisses on the temple/nose-
- the kind of guy to use his wings to shield you from rain if you don't have an umbrella
- will specifically try to impress you in battle
- gives you his coat sdkjfhsj
- for someone so sadistic he loves seeing you thrive and be happy-
- he's always studying you and your habits, he wants to make sure the gifts he gets you are perfect


[ Hadeon Hanja x reader ]
- oh God he's so awkward
- visits Bellona a lot for dating tips atsbsdkjsb-
- learns how to cook specifically to make you Korean delicacies bc it's all he knows-
- he gets jealous vERY EASILY
- deadass will pick you up and walk away if he senses bad vibes from whoever you're talking to-
- you're the only person he'll go into full fox form for
- will just,,, lay on you whenever he feels like it
- feel free to pick him up in fox form and carry him around, especially on your shoulder/in a bag-
- give him a nose kiss and watch him go bright red lmao-


* ignoring Simin & Strawberry bc Simin is very apathetic and not-at-all suited for romantic relationships, and Strawberry is 19 but she's so childish it'd feel weird writing dating hcs for her


= the shier whia =
* please note that Kozbi & Mitsuaki will not be able to be in romantic relationships, only platonic, until the finale of the Shier Whia arc. I'm only adding them bc I'm impatient.

[ Kozbi x reader ]
- doesn't exactly know what this "girlfriend/partner" title means
- but she knows that it's really important to other species
- so she tries her best
- Respectful Simp™
- gets very confused if you try to show them any sort of physical affection
- "[s/o]? why are you holding my hand? is this a ritual I'm not aware of??-"
- catches on that affection is an important part of relationships
- ends up lightly head-bonking you to show affection lmao
- she's so hesitant to hug you if you're taller than her sakjsd she rEALLY doesn't want to stab you with her horns on accident-
- will not hesitate to use Dreams of Divinity or The Informant solely to freeze/harm anyone with ill intent towards you-
- if she's not there, she'll leave you shiny rocks/handmade jewelry/pressed flowers as gifts
- ice skating dates????


[ Mitsuaki x reader ]
- wHY
- genuinely, W H Y
- first of all be careful with his mood
- please don't try to put him in his place right off the bat, his opinion of others can be lowered very easily
- also he can get,, EXTREMELY aggressive so for your own safety don't try to curse him out/confront him about the sadistic shit he does
- his aggression does have a bright side tho?? he'll assassinate anyone you ask him to-
- he's extremely protective once he's established that you aren't abusive/aren't a threat
- similarly to Hanja, will not hesitate to pick you up and walk away if he senses Bad Vibes from an interaction
- extremely touchy?? like yeah he'll stop & apologize if you don't like being touched but expect a shitton of cuddles and being used as a pillow
- unlike Kozbi, he's not afraid to accidentally bonk you with his antlers
- mostly bc he forgets he has them
- don't touch his tail though he will not hesitate to bite your hand off
- you guys will have to be together for a LONG fucking time before he actually starts being a softie
- if you're shorter than him, be prepared to be picked up and sat on his shoulder a lot
- he likes doing that for some reason-
- will trick you into getting him stuff without you knowing
- he's not in the same rank as Kozbi for nothing


[ Daeva Hamilton-Lawless x reader ]
- ?????? super sweet???? how????
- Jilaiya won't trust you either lmao
- lots of shopping & roller skating dates
- this bitch loves being outside for some reason
- gives you stupid lil drawings when you're sad :D
- fl o w er  cr o wns
- if you're smaller than her, she will,, 100% pick you up-
- hesitant to sleep on/hug you if you're taller- she doesn't wanna hurt you-
- does light head bonks like Kozbi does
- do not bring her to a botanical garden she WILL eat any flower you point at out of instinct
- very,,, very clingy. give her attention
- will sit in your lap and refuse to move until you take a break/give her affection


= the forgotten / unspecified groups =

[ Lin x reader ]
- you ever seen her interact with an authority figure?
- acts like that at first
- treats you like her king/queen, including doing your work for you/dropping everything to help you at a moment's notice
- gets very confused when you tell her that's not how relationships work
- usually-
- still does it. you cannot stop her from waiting on you 24/7 it's in her blood-
- fl o w er cr owns pt. 2
- really skittish and anxious about showing physical affection
- "what if I do it wrong? what if I touch you in the wrong way?? I don't want to make you uncomfy!!"
- if you hold her hands and rub her knuckles she will cr y
- communicates with gentle head bonks and subtle body language
- probably ends up accidentally making a secret language only you two know via head/tail/hand movements
- once she gets comfy enough, will take you outside Creator's kingdom to the surrounding forest
- mushroom foraging :D


[ Tero x reader ]
- genuinely So Confused
- "why do you want to date a Fae what"
- once he establishes that you're serious, decides to at least try
- God he is SO clueless about mortals akjhdss
- "what do you mean?? fae food's poisonous to mortals???? wh-"
- "why didn't Lynette tell me humans were so fragile-"
- be patient he's trying his best
- he can and he WILL sleep on you when given the chance
- has no issue with you touching him or playing with his hair tbh
- gives you the obligatory Raven Gift™ ofc
- meaning you'll often wake up to various gifts like marbles, shiny rocks & pebbles, pressed flowers, and garden weeds-
- feels bad when he has to leave you alone to attend Fae Stuff
- makes up for it in kisses and snuggles


[ Creator x reader ]
- "haa???"
- the god is flattered
- confused, but flattered
- also extremely awkward
- they have,,, NO idea what they're doing adhsfd
- "hand-holding is a normal thing right"
- "what do you MEAN I have to take my mask off to kiss??? this is atrocious"
- will fluster you without knowing or meaning to
- they are s o insecure about their double sets of eyes akhjdgs they absolutely refuse to take their mask off
- will create little worlds in bottles and gift them to you
- will only take their God Robes™ off for you- mostly to cuddle or go on dates-
- Raven Gifts pt 2 electric boogaloo


that's all I can think of lmao-


have fun with these Ig-

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