Triple Threat Lore OCs

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So I decided to give the trio some actual lore/backstory-

Bc all I had for their backstory was "uhh a trio of babies wake up in an ink factory and aren't related at all but grow up together and one of them's a dire wolf lol"-

I'll explain each member's lore in upcoming chapters, so it's not all packed in a single chapter-

Anyways here's the characters that'll be mentioned in those lore stories-

Art will be added later, I have some projects to get out of the way first-


Alyxander and Xander Inkheart


Name: Kineta.

"An enthusiastic and energetic young woman, Kineta holds power even her own brother can't understand

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"An enthusiastic and energetic young woman, Kineta holds power even her own brother can't understand. She carries a joyous aura and looks at the bright side of everything."

Age: Unknown.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 130 lbs.

Association: Unknown/no affiliation.

Species: Beastman (wolf).


Name: Samael.

"Intimidating and short-tempered, Samael is the older brother and bodyguard to Kineta

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"Intimidating and short-tempered, Samael is the older brother and bodyguard to Kineta. He is known as the second strongest Beastman in his homeland. However, he struggles with emotional responses and social skills."

Age: Unknown.

Height: 6'11"

Weight: 238 lbs.

Association: Ink Fangs (a dangerous organization from his homeland, similar to a mafia or mob)

Species: Beastman. (wolf)



Bela Demone and Luck Clover.

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