the golden-eyed [ pt. IV ]

21 1 4

fuckign finally we're done with this


"I may be weak, but...I can still eat you."

> picture to be added in the near future <

| you unlocked sr oc - the golden-eyed |

- basic information -

| true name |
| Daeva |

| gender & sexuality |
| cis female - demiromantic heterosexual |

| height + weight |
| 5'6" - 125 lbs |

| voice actress |


| combat information |

| weapon class |
| bow user - healer |

| element + talent |
| dark - velvet ropes |

| weapon |
| Cosmic Beauty - bow |

| unique abilities |

| celestial song - in which Daeva casts an illusion-based spell, temporarily deafening and disorienting her targets, allowing other party members to go in for the kill.

| bane of existence - in which Daeva shoots into the sky, generating a (rather tame) black hole, which targets and picks up surrounding targets as well as items and animals. for a maximum of ten seconds, the black hole will deal continuous damage to all targets stuck in its grasp, before collapsing in on itself, dealing one last burst of damage, then dropping said targets.
* this skill can only be used when in the same party as one or more of the following: Kozbi, Mitsuaki, or Jilaiya.

| lost innocence - in which Daeva summons a large arrow symbol above her head in a similar fashion to Kozbi's "dreams of divinity" ability, creating a healing force-field that gradually heals all party members when inside, before closing in on itself and exploding after a maximum of 20 seconds.

| alliance |
| the Hamilton-Lawless family |


| personality & behavior |

| Daeva is rather tricky to describe. all I can think is, "wolf in sheep's clothing."

Daeva seems to take after Mitsuaki, despite holding him in low regard; they are both manipulative, sadistic [to an extent], and dangerously smart. however, Daeva tends to hide her sadism and put up the "sweet, soft, innocent" facade for as long as possible, unless forced to give herself away.

she only embraces her shier whia instincts when it benefits her - and she only really does things if there's something in it for her. Jilaiya has described her as "selfish" and "irritating" on multiple occasions, which...honestly isn't that far from the truth.

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