| be not afraid. |

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so I made an adjustment to Kozbi's "be not afraid" power-

it was mentioned in a call a while ago that the Guardians (specifically Miso) cannot be killed, even by so-called god-killers - which means that, logically, Kozbi's power would be virtually ineffective against Miso, which would allow them to be able to show their face to him.

we can't have that for plot reasons-

so, here's a kinda simplified version of the updates I made-


- if Kozbi were to unveil herself around Miso, or a creature of the same power level, they would not see a normal, humanoid face. instead of seeing eyes, a nose, a mouth, etc, they would see a physical amalgamation of their worst phobia (i.e., trypophobia, multiple eyes, needles, etc).

- if they do not have any phobias, by some weird chance, all they would see is an endless pit of void, with vague shapes in the blackness.

- if, let's say, Miso viewed her face without the veil, even if he wasn't disturbed at first, it would harm him mentally in quick succession.

- using Miso as an example, again:

ten minutes after viewing her unveiled, he starts to experience random bursts of fear or panic, or an ever-growing feeling of being watched.

thirty minutes after viewing, he starts seeing things that aren't there (commonly bloody corpses, multiple eyes in the corner of your vision, too many teeth, veins in the walls, etc) and may randomly hear screaming in his ear, even if he is completely alone.

one hour after viewing, he may experience increasing dread, disturbingly fast heartbeat, random bursts of severe depression or suicidal thoughts, seeing horrific (hallucinated) deformities in actual people (commonly an empty hole where the face should be, pulsing veins that are far too pronounced, rotted or no teeth with eyes that are far too sunken, a missing jaw/neck, unnaturally large eyes or unnaturally disproportionate facial features), and inability to think straight. Time may seem warped and too fast or too slow. He may sit in the same spot for five hours, and get up thinking it was five minutes, or vice versa.

one hour, thirty minutes after viewing, he may lose memory of important moments or people in his life, and the time thing may become more severe, as will the hallucinated deformities in everyday people. He will feel constantly watched, and may start to hear disturbing things such as laughing, sinewy tearing (as if someone is getting decapitated/meat is tearing), low rattling, bones scraping against each other, guttural snarling, and sudden shrieking in his ear. Normal sounds will feel amplified by a hundred.

in theory, he wouldn't be able to survive past two hours without trying to kill himself to stop these symptoms.

- if Kozbi were to unveil themselves in the presence of a semi-god character, such as Harmony, while she may not die or turn to ashes immediately like mortals, she may experience EXTREMELY ADVANCED disease and/or symptoms of aging that are unable to be stopped. Death would feel like a sweet release after thirty minutes of viewing.

- if Kozbi were to unveil themselves in nobody but their own presence for an extended period of time, they would experience severe physical pain and sickness. Their bone features (ribcage, tail, and spine) may start to rattle uncontrollably, move on their own, or start to break and crumble to ash on its own. their veins may start to jut out, and eventually Deity and Shier Whia blood alike will begin to leak from the eyes, bone features, and mouth/teeth.
the corpse would be unrecognizable if she were to keep her veil off.

- if Kozbi were to unveil themselves in the presence of a mortal being, like Leo, or a fellow Shier Whia - they would just fucking die on the spot. now the method of death varies greatly from being to being. Some have rotted into a skeleton in ten seconds or less, some have shrieked in agony as they slowly burn up into ashes in about twenty seconds or less, and some become fried from the inside out - always with their eyes removed.

- Of course, there's that one time she grabbed a Shier Whia by the throat and stared them directly in the eyes ON PURPOSE. that being didn't die immediately, but their blood began to bubble and boil, and when released, they collapsed and started bleeding from every orifice, eyes burning in their sockets. After a good twenty seconds of writhing and shrieking, they vomited their heart up.
Kozbi then stepped on and drove the still-beating heart into the ground. All to prove a point to her clan.

- now you know why it's so important she keeps her veil on :)


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