a BUNCH of headcanons

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okay WOO I'm gonna wrap this book up REAL quick bc I wanna show y'all the Shier Whia arc but I can't do that until I post the Cuphead OCs so UNTIL THEN

here's a shitton of OC headcanons by 4AM me??-

um a lot of these characters belong to GalaxyComets556 so if you wanna check them out UH go ahead they're awesome-

all of these, especially the ones for Galaxy's OCs, are all just. personal concepts and not actually canon as far as I know


| design-based |

- OKAY I KNOW in Harms' official design she normally wears skirts and dresses but like. in my mind's eye I mostly see her wearing long pants or those high waisted black shorts with oversized sweaters. or just. oversized shirts in general.
either way I just know her fashion taste is *mwah* immaculate

- Jason has red skeleton markings across his back n front. I think it'd be rlly neat. adds to the demonic vibe-


- tbh when I think of Theo n their wings I just. I imagine a lunar moth for some reason. a lunar moth but with like,,,, those neat skull patterns that some other moths have??-

- Xena's scar markings actually form a symbol of a sun on her back and also on the back of her neck. bc sun goddess

- Juju has markings on her hands resembling paw pads and no I will not elaborate on why

- Bela has multiple rows of teeth and sometimes her top n bottom canines will stick out. now this sounds cute but wait until I draw her pissed off or in hunting mode bc OH HO H O y'all won't think it's cool any m o r e 

- Harms,,,,,,,,,,,,, has fancy frost markings. on the same areas Jason has HIS cool markings. bc they're siblings. and I think it'd be neat-


- Alyx has white stripes in his hair bc he's so fucken stressed out all the time I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if his hair is completely silver by the time he's like 30

- idk if this counts as design but I have a feeling Harms has a naturally deeper voice but she speaks rlly softly for. Idk what reason but she does
imagine pissing her off and she pulls out the natural voice bc she's so fucken mad
that would strike the fear of God in my heart Idk abt you

- Bela just. likes wearing a lot of jewelry. like chunky rings and chains on her belts n stuff. she has like seven piercings-


| behavior/habit-based |

- LOOK the reason Bela is so commonly known as chaotic and the kind of kid to act out is bC SHE'S BEEN HUNGRY FOR LIKE THE PAST 20-SMTH YEARS. she's A DEVIL-EATER who's NEVER EATEN A DEVIL.
she has two stomachs, one that can digest normal food just in case the body doesn't have access to her species' normal diet; demons/devils. the other stomach digests their normal diet. devil-eaters get rlly easily emotional and chaotic when they can't access their normal food for long periods of time.

- Odessa will randomly like. play the fucken drums on her lap/chair/whatever when she's super hyped. it's cute-

- Theo is very easily entertained bc fox. I feel like bells jingling would give them instant serotonin-

- Jilaiya has a habit of burying himself in just. this mountain of blankets when he's tired.

- Xena does the same thing as Jilaiya except that mountain usually includes pillows or stuffed animals bc you cannot tell me this woman doesn't own at least a few stuffed toys

- Bela would be the kind of person to not know how to express she likes Malin through words so she just gives them a dandelion or smth and walks off-

- Xena, on multiple occasions, has figured out she can fit into tiny spaces both as a cat and a humanoid. so far she can fit into a tiny cabinet, a vase, a bigger vase, a cereal bowl, a particularly large coffee mug, and a tissue box

- Demented steals like. half of Dusk's food whenever she doesn't get her own separate order


| fuck me idk what category these fall into/I forgot to add these and I'm too lazy to edit |

- I feel like Jason would have a ton of tattoos/tattoo sleeves as a human?? it'd probably have a lot of demonic themes. imagine a whole-ass pentagram on the back of his neck-

- Shads too, I feel like she'd have at least one tattoo sleeve "to test my pain tolerance". it'd probably depict a leviathan or smth cool

- Diesel n Odessa are besties :DD they stream together a lot-

- uh this isn't a headcanon this is actually canon but Bellatrix has multiple tails now. like. kitsune but giant wolf-

- Juju has wings they're just a pain to use and unsheathe so she doesn't bother

- speaking of wings imagine if Harms had seraphim wings but they were 5x her size that'd be cool


um that's all I have rn this is short and boring bc I desperately wanna wrap this book up and I only have like 7 (I think??) parts left so-


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