Dusk (+ some others) out of context

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Based off the vid above and some others-

This is why you never let any of my OCs narrate sh!t-


Oreo: So this begs the question; why did the priest have Pope blood in his bag?-


Dusk, completely monotone: Whether you're a young lad down at the swimming hole or a grizzled crime scene investigator, everybody's got some dead bodies-


Airi: Now when people think of special post-mortem instructions like that, they usually think like *small inhale* "scatter my ashes at 6:53 AM off the Western face of the third Trident Point using my Italian grandmother's favorite ladle"-


Dusk: Was there ever a human soul so profoundly asinine and willfully ignorant as "Amelia Bedelia"??-


Dusk: I want to shove her face into a running waffle iron and be like "ha, isn't this IRONic"-


Dusk: You know, after peanut butter and chocolate, my favorite combination of two things is probably gross incompetence and high explosives-


Odessa: These people are worth their weight in precious shekels-


Dusk: Kinda like when you were a kid and had to keep running to keep the kite in the air.

Oreo: Only, instead of a kite, it's your respiratory system-

Dusk: -and instead of the kite falling down, you would choke to death on your own deflated organs-


Odessa: In the words of Danny DeVito: "When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash!"-


Demented reanimating Dusk after he was presumed dead: hEY KIDS WANNA SEE A DEAD CRIMINAL-


Daedalus, staring at the results of a torture experiment: ...okay so what if we tried it on people-


Dusk: Yeah, uh, whAT THE FUCK-


Oreo: And Dessa tried to move the prop around, only to have its arm break off- she was like, "Ugh, of course, lousy stiff. Wait a minute. That's curious. This mannequin's got human flesh and bones.


wait a damn minute-"


Xena, deadpan, holding Dana by the scruff: yeah we got a demon on our hands just ignore her-


Dusk: Unlike me, this diamond isn't just a big white waste of space-


Dusk: Somewhere in an alternate reality not far from ours, Big Bird blew up in a space shuttle-


Delmira talking about the time a Clanmate crushed both his legs: And when he woke up, he found his legs were like used-up tubes of toothpaste-


Odessa: That's like kicking someone in the balls and being like, "woah bro you just got feathered lmao"- no fUCK YOU DON'T TRY TO DOWNPLAY MY SUFFERING-


Birb, after falling from Andrus: My very being is on fire, my only desire left is for Death herself to kill me-


Me planning Dusk's story: And just when you think it can't get any worse, it gets worse-


Dusk: But I guess Shiva Gautama Christ-Chan still had unfinished business-


Dusk: HEY, remember that time 4 billion things died inexplicably??-


Daedalus: *Quietly staring at a Mystic Heart*


Dae: What the fuck is so exciting about t h -


Icarus: Moral of the story kids, don't eat strange bread; you could trip balls and d i e


Dusk: There's been a lot of creatures haphazardly thrown into the cosmos against their will.


Anastasia: Or roughly the same force as when you realize that isn't a normal speed bump, but one of those evil tiny ones that ruin your life- you know the fuckers-

Ana: "oH tHaT'S wHat YoU gEt fOr gOINg 25 neAr a HoSpItAl A N A"-

Ana: Well HEY good thing I'm already here considering the ballistics test that just went down between the roof of my car and my SKULL-


Me: Ha, drugs-


Me, pointing at my new OCs: YOU'RE NEXT, SANURA-

Sanura: h-

how do you know my name-

Me getting uncomfortably close to her face: I c r e a t e d y o u -


Shads, monotone: The number of human beings who have sucked a piece of someone's living eyeball through a straw is above 0.


Dusk: At least the iron maiden was real. Still are, actually.

Dusk: *Looks dead at the camera* And don't you forget that-

(Ah yes welcome to Dusk being vaguely threatening-

Odessa: Maybe I should cover more relevant, nuanced topics in my videos.


Anyways let's talk about chickens-



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