Memes but Organized

27 1 21


Mystics/OCs affiliated with the Mystics:


Xena, going through records: Wh- you changed the percentage again you little sH-!

Daedalus: *Muffled giggling-* no I didn't-

Xena: Yes you did-

Daedalus: *:>* No I didn't-

Xena: *Pff-*


Dana: *Earrape mic noises-*


Dusty, softly, but with a lot of emotion: I- I don't speak Spanish...-



Cascade: ...are you flirting with me?

Aalto: ....I- I'm trying-

Aalto: I have no idea what I'm doing-


Daedalus, bending down to eye level with Aalto: How old are you? Like 10?

Aalto, with pure rage: i'M SIXTE E N -


Teen! Xena: I may be depressed but at least I have an iced coffee!

T! Lynette: You're still depressed though.

T! Xena: ...but I have an iced coffee-

T! Lynette: But yo- you're still depressed.

T! Xena: O k A y, but I have an iced coffee-


Daedalus, chasing Xena at top speed: yOU AIN'T AS FAST AS YOU TH I N K -


Xena: oh come on Dana don't bully the Canadian kid-

Dana, bothering Dusty: hAH-


Xena, 15, talking about Herc: gA H - I'm just trying to VIBE and be a stRONG independent wOMAN- and this MANS HAS THE A U D A C I T Y to be C U T E and N I C E TO ME and RESPECTFUL, and now I HAVE FEELINGS-


Xena: No- say it again- what's marriage Dana-

Dana, tipsy, crying laughing: M u t u a l  s i m p i n g -


Lynette: Apparently summer ends in two weeks... *inhale* What the fruit-by-the-foot-flavored roll-up-fuck was that?? I did nothing except sit on my kitchen floor and cry-


Dana: Officer I drop-kicked that child in self defense-


Dusty: Yeah you're probably all like, "oH YeAh No PolIcE" but look- i'M MISSING A FUCKING D O O R -


Dana: *Shoots at Xena point blank*

Xena: *Dodges-*


Dana, genuinely confused: HOW THE F*CK DID YOU DODGE THAT SH!T-

Xena: *whEEZE-*

Dana: This ain't no f*cking matrix what the f*ck-

Xena, giggling: I see evERYTHING-

Dana, speed-walking away: Hell no man I'm not dealing with this sh!t-

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