Lore?? again???

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I'm doing snippets of lore but with different characters now lol-


t r i p l e   t h r e a t


"...do you have a name?"

the silvery-gray wolf stared for a moment, before blinking and shaking his head, clutching a large grimoire close to his chest. the small, horned girl narrowed her eyes a bit.


"i don't think so, at least..."

she opened her mouth to speak, before startling at a light thud behind her. both turned, looking at the bundle of silver fluff that had just fallen face-first onto the rickety wood floors.

"ah-" the horned girl whipped around, running to the wolf cub and picking her up. wide silver eyes studied sleepy dark gray, as she held the ball of fur high above her head.

"...so," she tucked the tired wolf cub under her arm, "we're all nameless, don't know how we got here, and...completely alone."

the boy hiding between a fallen bookshelf and a desk paused, before hesitantly taking his eyes off the girl, letting his book fall to the floor to dig through oversized pockets. after a few seconds, he pulled out a large medallion on a golden chain, which seemed to be incredibly heavy by the way he struggled to hold it with one hand.

after somehow grabbing hold of the medallion without dropping it, he got up, approaching the taller girl. she snatched it from his grasp, looking the object over.

"...so your name is Alyxander?"



d u s t y


"dad-? wh- why are we ru-"

the gray-haired girl let out a short gasp as her father abruptly grabbed her by the waist, ducking behind a parked car in an alleyway and tucking her into his chest. "hush."

she blinked, nodding and covering her mouth with gloved hands. she shuffled a bit, snuggling into her father's sweatshirt, before looking up at him in confusion.

why was his heart going so fast?

then she heard them.

footfalls. heavy, and fast-approaching. and yelling. unfamiliar voices.

her breath hitched. she didn't like yelling. her mom yelled a lot.

her father tensed, scooting further into the wall and, more importantly, moving so that his daughter was almost entirely out of sight.



l i n



the young...person, abruptly snapped their head around like an owl's, glowing gold eyes staring through a hollowed crow skull. "yo."

the young girl inhaled, before bowing her head. "permission t-"

"yes, you can come up. you don't have to ask, lin." their voice echoed throughout the chamber, followed by a sickly cracking as they turned their head back around. they spun in their throne, facing the small brunette.

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