Panthras but revamped pt II lol

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part 2 let's g o o o -


"and so, we meet again...let's see how long it takes for you to crack."

| Johnathan Panthra - Tertia Vita |

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| Johnathan Panthra - Tertia Vita |

| weapon class |
| claymore - main dps |

| element - talent |
| dark + fire - rain hellfire |

| weapon |
| burning edge - claymore |

| unique abilities |
| plane of indignation - after building enough energy, John can permanently disorient his opponent, briefly manipulating their emotions to cause them to mess up and allowing for him to slaughter his prey with ease
| bitter memories - can create and manipulate shadow illusions of his opponent's worst memories, causing their worst traumas to resurface to distract & weaken them
| stitches - by targeting multiple opponents and placing a hex over their heads, he deals consistent damage even when he isn't fighting (or knocked out)
| burn - literally summons fucking hellfire??

| personality |
| John has calmed down considerably since the last two times he died. he's rather calm and sarcastic, but clever - he knows how to play his cards, and isn't afraid to play the long game. unlike his younger self-
however, he can be very reckless, and is prone to abrupt, mood swings at times. he learns his lessons quickly, and is surprisingly adaptable to any situation; also, he changes his personality depending on who he's with - ranging from sarcastic and sharp-tongued playful insults around his siblings, to docile and rather sweet with his wife. |



| Wyetta Sui - Red Aestus Maritimi |

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| Wyetta Sui - Red Aestus Maritimi |

| weapon class |
| spellcaster / spear - support |

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