...they're peaceful?

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black claws, radiating decay, barely missed a white veil - sharp, blackish teeth followed, sinking into the pale-skinned cryptid's shoulder.

"you couldn't have aimed for somewhere more deadly?"

one swift movement, and his horns were stabbed into the rotten dirt, needle-like claws ripping through his neck and pinning him to the ground.

"i'm a bit disappointed, Harvester."

a pearl-white veil, covered with long strands of pale hair, brushed against the side of his face.

"you smell...different. spices, maybe? have you finally learned how to eat something other than the organs of dead mystics?"

a short yelp erupted from the thinner one, as Ji abruptly reared his head back, headbutting them in the face.

as they jumped off him, he wasted no time scrambling to his feet. with a rather grotesque snap and series of cracks, batlike wings ripped from his back, dripping with acid.

"you started this fight - now end it!" he snapped, "you're the coward here, KOZBI!"

they simply straightened their posture, raising gloved hands to adjust their veil, brushing some strands of hair out of their line of sight.

"very well then, harvester." they tucked their hands behind their back. "if you wish."

the harvester growled, before launching, a large spear coming to rest in clawed hands.

the fight wasn't much of a fight. rather the harvester attacking, and the angelic horror dodging - occasionally hitting his weapon away, or just him in general.

it ended when the veiled cryptid abruptly grabbed the younger monster's weapon, ripping it from his hands in one fell swoop and promptly jabbing it into his crown of horns. he tensed, stretching his wings nervously.

one wrong move and his horns would be torn from his skull.


ji didn't like how he could feel their eyes staring at him.

"take me to your new clan. i would like to meet the ones who tamed the feral harvestman."

OC Arts Book 6!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon