hehe writing go brr

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I'm doing the Pinterest writing prompt thing again you can't fucking stop me-

the words in italics are the dialogue prompts I went with-


- Ciar and Mystral -

the rose brunette startled, almost dropping the bag of stolen goods he was holding. his teal eyes narrowed as he glared at the smaller girl, who was quietly looking at him through the half-empty shelves of the grocery store.

"you know," he hissed, starting to walk out, "it's really inconvenient to see your face every time I turn a corner."

"oh, don't be like that, sir." the one-eyed girl followed suit, falling just behind the taller man. "you seem to be the only other survivor here anyways, it'd be better if we-"

"team up, right? over my dead body," Ciar snarled, picking up the pace in an attempt to lose her. he ducked into another aisle, continuing, "leave me alone. I just wanted to get some stuff."


- Kineta -


Kineta let out a short yelp upon being ruthlessly yanked from her cell, gloved hands grasping the scruff of her neck tightly. "wh- hey!" she struggled against the enemy's grip, trying to dig her claws into their arm, "I was under the impression I was n o t going to get executed today!"

the guard groaned, dragging her out of the prison cell by her neck, before throwing her over their shoulder. "do you ever shut up...?"


- Shads and a victim -

no noise could escape from the faceless sinner before a spear's head was abruptly jammed into their shoulder, inciting a loud scream from the human. the Admiral stood menacingly above them, grasping the other end of the spear, dull green eyes standing out from the pitch black of the room.

in one swift movement, the spear's head was ripped from the victim's skin, a strong kick to their chest sending them tumbling across the bloodstained floor. red began to spill, staining pale white flesh and leaking onto the dark floor beneath the sinner.

they choked, gasping as they attempted to push themselves up, only to be shoved back down with a boot to the back of their skull. a now-bloodied spear head threateningly stabbed the floor by their eyes. a low, hissing voice echoed through the chamber.

"I will deny you death until you beg me for it."


- Andromeda and Y/N -

the short fox quickly zipped up to you, closely invading your personal space as she got up on her toes, pale teal eyes squinting as she tried to study your face better.

"so you're a human? like, one hundred percent actual human?"

you stepped back a few paces, nodding in response. the fox huffed, falling back to her normal height.

"I've heard scary things about you guys," she continued. "don't you like...hunt foxes for sport or something?"

"in some places..." you mumbled.

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