faceless no more elaborations

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nobody asked but-

here have some facts/info about the "faceless no more" characters-


Blackwell -

[ surprisingly, Blackwell is on pretty good terms with Xena. he hasn't seen Blackrose since she was a toddler, so they don't really have an opinion of one another.

[ Blackwell was like...I think around mid-teens when he and Leilah had the girls? when Airi died shortly after being born, it hit him like a truck. hard enough that he became completely detached and ended up mindlessly going along with his (abusive) girlfriend's requests at the time - which was to abandon Xena and Blackrose.

[ sometimes he sees Xena during mundane chores and stuff. they act like strangers on good terms, usually just briefly greeting one another and going on with their day.

[ he was viciously manipulated and mentally abused by Leilah throughout their relationship and marriage, up until he was around 30-40. he ended up divorcing her after she physically attacked him.

[ he deeply regrets not staying with the girls and at least TRYING to be a good dad. but he's happy to see Xena's doing good, at least.

[ funny enough, he resembles Xena in cat form, just fluffier-
he's part maine coon, so he's just...a really big cat-

[ he messed up his right eye when Leilah attacked him. she burned most of his face in a blind rage.


Leilah -

[ oh God

[ as referenced in Blackwell's segment, she was the abusive one who chose to abandon the girls.

[ apparently, "they were a mistake"

[ she's a sociopath. like her emotions and personality are all fabricated, so she can try to blend in with everyone else.

[ is REALLY annoyed that her daughters are doing well for some reason

[ but we'll never know why because she went missing like three months after she and Blackwell divorced


Dire -

{ he was???? so sweet??????

{ he was also one of the most powerful Ires alive, before he was killed.

{ raised and trained Blackrose as best he could, being like 17 when he first found and adopted her at age 5.

{ he died 10 years later when she was 15.

{ the only reason Blackrose knows how to fight and control her power is bc of Dire, since he had the same elements, Dark and Flora.

{ he literally designed his eyepatch to match the design of Blackrose's battle outfit mask?????? he really was trying to make this small traumatized child as happy as he possibly could-

{ he was incredibly attractive and dangerous but also a huGE DORK- just ask Blackrose, she has dozens of stories of Dire doing dumb shit and accidentally becoming a father figure to other orphans, usually without knowing-

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