the lantern-holder [ pt. II ]

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oh boy. here we go.


"oh~ you're much prettier up close~! come, let me study you!"

> picture to be added in the near future <

| you unlocked ur oc - the lantern-holder |

- basic information -

| true name |
| Mitsuaki |

| gender & sexuality |
|demiboy + demi-biromantic asexual |

| height + weight |
| 7'10" - 275 lbs |

| voice actor |
| dongdang |


| combat information |

| weapon class |
| claymore user [war axe] - main dps |

| elements + talent |
| thunder + dark - thunderous applause |

| weapon |
| dazzling lights - war axe |

| unique abilities |

| aerial rings - in which mitsuaki channels the power of their past life, releasing a sudden burst of Dark-infused lightning in all directions.

| cirque - their oneshot move, in which mitsuaki summons a flurry of lightning-infused aerial ribbons, which bind and deal continuous damage to their target, causing the Disoriented and Stunned effects.

| is this entertaining? - when the amulet on his wrist turns violet and starts sparking with lightning (after killing a certain amount of enemies), mitsuaki is bound with electricity-infused aerial ribbons, granting him a 20% Elemental damage buff + faster healing.

| revolt - only able to be used when working in the same party as kozbi, specifically upon (kozbi) using their "the informant" ability. in which he casts a burst-based spell, a large amulet, which explodes and combines elements with the Paralysis, Disoriented, and Frozen effects to cause mass amounts of damage to their target.

| alliance |
| sadly, the Shier Whia. specifically the Mystic Grove Clan, as seen in the "regretfully," chapter. |


| personality & behavior |

| mitsuaki is...something. he is incredibly enthusiastic about seemingly the creepiest things (murder, true crime, suicide, etc), and can be seen as disrespectful at times - even if that wasn't his intention. though, most of the time, he doesn't really care. if he cares about hurting your feelings, you're one of the rare people who mean something to him.

he's very, VERY vocal about his interests, and tends to be oblivious to social cues. he can be seen as sociopathic, due to his manipulative, risk-taking, lying behavior, as well as sadism and mild masochism.

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