mmm lore

19 1 8

ah yes. procrastinating on all of my responsibilities by writing shitty scenarios. enjoy my shameless coping mechanism.

most of these are more lighthearted on purpose, and aren't as serious and cryptic as last lore chapter.

except for Delmira's lore.

she's been through some shit-

edit: this just turned into shitposting and honestly I'm happy with it akajhs- it just gets slowly less and less serious-


d e l m i r a  &  c r i s t o f f



it was so hot.

she felt like her skin was melting off.

sweat mixed with soot, running black down caramel skin.

open wounds stung. her blood formed crystals on bruised and battered flesh. they hurt - they dug deep into her muscle.

all she could do was stare.

flames licked at the edge of her skirt, burning stray threads of white fabric. a long, blueish-gray cat tail wrapped nervously around her legs. she couldn't move.

or breathe, for that matter. the smoke was hanging thick in the air.

and so were the screams of her friends. of her parents, her family, her -


where was her brother.

panic spurred her to run.

jet-black boots ran over broken tiles, stained in the blood of those who she considered friends and enemies and family, complimented by large chunks of volcanic rock and ash.

where is he, where is he, where is he - oh God, I shouldn't have gone hunting earlier, I left him alone, stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID - oh God -


the only person in this broken village with black hair and white ears. he was there -

...laying, bloody, in the ruins of their home.

with...what was that hovering above him? some sort of...spirit. the wind got stronger the closer the young tween got to it.

she skidded to a stop, glancing down at the sound of cracking tile, before looking back up. the spirit was gone - and so was the wind.

the huntress tensed, then shook her head, running and tripping over herself to get to her brother - she seemed oblivious to how the eruption nearby was getting worse, and how the flames were getting closer.

"come on, come on - wake up, wake up, wake up," she muttered, grabbing the thin fabric of the younger's shirt and shaking him, "come on, we have to go - wake up, wake up, wake up, please -"


a m b r u s & b e l a


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