bored, have OC themes

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I'm copying GalaxyComets556 again-

Edit: so this is angsty-


It wasn't my intention but okay I guess-


Daeva ~ Kara Kara Kara no Kara (Kikuo)


This is essentially Daeva's mind in a nutshell. She's constantly torn between her instincts (to sabotage anything and everything in her path) and her conscience.

As a result, she feels constantly numb, confused, and easily cluttered with clashing thoughts and regrets. Empty, but full of emotions. She tries to cure this by joining the Hamilton-Lawless kids and Herc/Xena in day to day activities, trying to laugh with them and get used to this life.

However she constantly feels like she's simply watching from the sidelines, given she's so different in both appearance and mannerisms.

"It looks fun, it looks fun, it looks fun..."


John Panthra - S.I.U.


Traumatically, dramatically, all at once, he was thrown into a life of death and suffering and a reputation of an abusive murderer.

It didn't bother him. At least it didn't in the past. Now that he actually has a conscience, he lives in regret. Constantly hearing the voices of his family, of his brothers and of his father's abuse.

However, he can only suck it up.

"Why did you allow this child to be born?"


Nightshadow - SugarCrash!


She's sort of energetically depressed. A living paradox.

She knows everything's wrong with her - everything about her is objectively "wrong" - from her appearance, her behavior, her history, down to the most intimate details of her character.

And yet, she flaunts it. She doesn't necessarily embrace it, she laughs about it. Makes fun of her flaws, bullying herself in a lighthearted manner.

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