ehe fluffy headcanons

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It's 5AM and the night before Halloween, I can't sleep, so I'm writing wholesome dating headcanons about the monster bois (Arima, Fuyuto and Getsumei)-

Edit: this is very random and scattered what was 5AM me thinking-


-when you start dating one of them-

~ Arima ~
~ please go easy on him he's only ever had harmless crushes before
~ you're always the first to his shows with Amai
~ always visits you whenever possible
~ brings you delicacies and sweets from his homeland as gifts
~ "look I found a cool flower :D i want you to have it!"

* Fuyuto *
* ""
*"out of all the people in the world, me??"
* needless to say he's very confused
* and very dense
* tries not to get attached and fails miserably
* he's really scared to make you sick (bc he lives in below zero climates) so he visits you
* gave you his fur hide coat the first time you visited him out of anxiety
* tsundere
* makes you lil ice figures that don't melt :D

| Getsumei |
| when I tell you this man almost CRIED-
| his curse makes anyone who he falls in love with die, so seeing someone that he loves both live AND ask him out??
| instantly head over heels
| not a very busy person, so he visits and talks with you often
| plays you songs you like on his lute/sings
| surprisingly a very good pillow too
| quietly admires you when you aren't looking


-when you ask/go in for a kiss-

~ Arima ~
~ *cute laugh* "what are you doing, y/n-?"
~ naturally very affectionate :D
~ will absolutely give you happy butterfly kisses on command lol
~ very short kisses on the lips but very sweet
~ still prefers snuggles

* Fuyuto *
* "can you even reach my face-"
* honestly he'd be so surprised if you were able to kiss him on your own that he'd just let it happen
* very inexperienced lol
* small kisses on the nose/forehead at first
* gets more intimate the more comfortable he is

| Getsumei |
| bro he reacted with no hesitation whatsoever-
| definitely kisses more intimately than the other two
| i mean can you blame him
| he hasn't been able to physically have a partner for hundreds of years you think he's gonna pass this up??
| gonna be honest he'll probably leave you breathless without meaning to lmao
| oh yeah you also accidentally made him take his mask off so that's cool


-when you fall asleep on them-

~ Arima ~
~ :0
~ :D
~ that's it that's all I can see him doing-
~ lets you sleep, he'd feel bad waking you up lmao
~ ruffles your hair with a small smile when you wake up
~ "do you want anything? amai made tea a few minutes ago!"

* Fuyuto *
* genuinely confused for a second
* why would you want to sleep on him his skin is freezing cold
* it's like sleeping on ice
* the only reason he'd get up is to grab his coat so you don't freeze in your sleep
* sits on the floor/beside you and continues doing whatever
* doesn't really mind in general

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