An old friend

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(All characters besides Keziah do not belong to me)

(Also forgive me I suck at doing the brothers' personalities/behavior-)


" the way, I heard that since Luke's gonna be sick for a few weeks, Lord Diavolo's letting another angel take his place for a bit."

Silence fell over the dinner table for a moment; save for the Avatar of Gluttony's chewing - he didn't seem to care much. The eldest turned to look at the one who spoke, the Avatar of Envy.

"And where did you hear that?" he hissed.

"Oh, so it's true?" the fourth-born questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"It was just a rumor on Devilgram, Asmo told me about it. For once, it piqued my interest," the demon replied, ignoring his younger brother. Most eyes turned to the Avatar of Lust.

"Wha- hey! It's not like I made the rumor up!" he exclaimed.

"Wait, do we know who it is? Like did anyone guess what they look like?" asked the Avatar of Envy, looking at Asmo.

The black-haired Avatar of Pride let out a growling sigh, interrupting his brother before he could speak. "We'll see in a day or so. According to Michael, they're 'very excited' to visit the Devildom, formally."


It was only a day before the student arrived - which was much faster than the brothers expected. Most were pessimistic, especially the second born. He wasn't happy that he had to introduce himself to another stranger.

He had his back turned, avoiding attention and trying to stay close to the exit so he could make a quick getaway when his brother's back was turned. However, the eldest kept a close eye on him so he wouldn't run.

He was distracted, playing on his phone (probably putting a stolen item on auction) when the angel arrived. A rather loud, feminine voice interrupted the demons before they could welcome the owner.

"AYO, LUCI~! I haven't seen you since the War! How you been, hon!?"

A chill ran down the brothers' spines upon recognizing that voice. Lucifer's eyes narrowed as he stared down the young woman in front of him, growling out a, "Keziah..." between gritted teeth.

The second eldest whirled around, just to make sure what she was who he thought she was. Sure enough, he recognized her wild black-pink hair and icy teal eyes, oddly-shaped pupils shrunk to a dot.

Keziah, the angel that shot him out of the Celestial Realm.



it's only like 380 words so definitely not what I'm used to-

but here have this shitty scenario-

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