Assassins Facts

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Mostly Jerenei tbh-



Jerenei doesn't really like kids. It's not that she hates them, or is scared of them, she just...tolerates them-

It's actually because when she was still trapped in that cult, she along with other teen girls, had to take care of the chaotic goblins that were the cult children. She has faint facial scars from the multiple times the toddlers scratched her face apart-



Skai is the only one Jerenei allows to get touchy with her. Anybody else, she flinches away when they so much as put a hand on her shoulder. He's also the only one who she'll return that affection to (usually in little ways, like acts of service).



Jerenei has blonde/silvery eyelashes, naturally. She wears black mascara/eyeliner because she just- doesn't like how they look-


4:  GalaxyComets556

Funny enough, Jei actually knows a LOT that you wouldn't really expect her to, mostly out of pure teen curiosity when she was younger-



Besides Tanya, Gia is the closest with Blodwen. They share a single braincell when they're together-

They're also dedicated to annoying Jerenei as much as possible-

Jei often compares being alone with the two of them to babysitting because their combined IQ is in the single digits-



The only assassin out of the group that's stronger than Jerenei is Gia herself. Jerenei specializes in speed, agility, and precision. Gia mostly specializes in ambush/stun attacks and killing her target as quickly and efficiently as possible, causing her to have hard and fast strikes.

Also she's like 20% muscle-



Because she was branded/scarred with actual burning liquid and not a branding stick, the pentagram marking on Jerenei's back is kind of messy.

And also she has long scars branching off from it that wrap around her torso, neck, and ribcage. There's one that, if you look really close, is just under her jaw.



Jerenei has never worn a shirt that exposes her back or, for that matter, the back of her neck. She mostly wears turtlenecks and on occasion, sweatshirts/hoodies, if she isn't in her assassin uniform.

She is that one kid in school who wore hoodies and jeans in the middle of summer-



Blodwen is the shortest of the group at 4'11, Lee being the tallest at 6'4. Chi is the only one who's somewhat average at 5'5"-



Both Jerenei and Chi are left-handed. Gia is ambidextrous (can use both hands) and Blodwen, Lee, and Xing are right-handed.

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