celebratory chaos

22 2 16

I finished the Shier Whia arc AND the Cuphead OCs for good-

you know what that means-


[ just trying to order at a drive-thru ]

Dusk: h -

Demented: h̶I̵ ̴H̸E̵L̸L̴O̷ ̸C̸A̶N̶ ̴W̸E̵ ̴G̵E̴T̵ ̵A̶ ̷N̴U̵M̴B̴E̸R̵ ̵1̴

Dusk: nO- not a number 1-

*the kind of sigh that only someone who has been tired for the last fifteen years can make*

Dusk: can we g-

Demented: A̷ ̴N̵U̴M̶B̷E̴R̷ ̴4̶

Dusk: shut UP- can I get a-

Demented: D̸O̸ ̵Y̶O̴U̶ ̴H̴A̵V̴E̸ ̶N̶A̶C̸H̸O̵ ̵F̸R̵I̴E̵S̵ ̵O̴R̷ ̴N̷A̵H̷

Dusk: oh my god- sORRY can we get uh-

Demented: a̷ ̴s̴i̶d̶e̸ ̵o̵f̵ ̷Y̴O̶U̴R̵ ̷M̵O̴M̵

Dusk, bonking Demented on the head: shUT UP-


Tor: I don't think we can mansplain, manipulate, malewife our way out of this one..

Taio, cracking his knuckles: manslaughter it is then :)


Kick, zooming in on a cracked Taco Bell window:

someone was not having a baja blast

Puleng: stOP-


Juju: I don't like the tone of your voice.

*shoots the clanmate she was talking to point blank-*


[ some ACCURSED recipe I have no desire to describe. all I'm saying is that it involved covering canned sausages in chocolate & sprinkles. ]

the guy making said recipe, speaking annoyingly slow I hate this man: here is,, a rlly nice recipe, that YOU can take-

Harms, appalled: tO HELL!! you hear me??? to h E L L. cuz that's where yOUR ASS IS GOING-


Kick: name me, O N E  F O O D that is BLUE!!


Taio: ...blueberries?

Kick, violently shaking him by the shoulders: BLUEBERRIES ARE F U C K I N G  P U R P L E -


[ for context: Daeva has never been good at sticking landings when she flies-]

Daeva: I am the Lorax I speak for my knees-

*lands, accidentally locks her knees, then tumbles headfirst into some weeds*

Daeva: A-


Tarro, trying to cheer Estel up: uh, uh uh~! turning the car into oncoming traffic...is



Shads: *grabs one of those shitty dollar store skeletons by the neck and just. throws it into the ground. full speed. no mercy.*

Jason, who just walked in to tell her smth:


[ speaking of Jason & Shads -]

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