Chapter 1

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Today's like any other day in my life, I'm going to the studio to get another tattoo because what else am I meant to do when all my guys are busy running around for me. Suited with my leather vest sitting comfortably on my back and the same boots I've owned for years now, I hate to say it but I've left my only bobble somewhere, god knows where in my house, (I've gotta remember to ask Sarah for another later) so my bloody hair is flowing in the breeze like a little girls. I'm heading down town to meet up with Nick on his break before he tattoos me, it's around 1:30 so he should be setting up soon after finishing his lunch. I'm well known in this town, partly because it's so small but mainly because of my rep and the things me and my guys are willing to do, sometimes not very friendly things I may add.
I give a staple smirk to the oldies all sat in the cafe drinking their coffee, as they shake their heads and gossip about whether I'm the right kind of influence or not to the younger generation growing up around me. It amuses me to think I'm the topic of conversation as they bicker amongst themselves not realising how loud there whispering really is. I'm kinda glad my bikes in the shop just for that little ego boost.

(Chimes) 'hello, it's me'

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(Chimes) 'hello, it's me'. I walk through the studio tilting my head to the other artists sat tattooing randoms to be polite, they do the same only taking their eyes of the ink for a split second realising it's me and giving a wave. I like these guys, not necessarily the toughest bunch but they're alright. Walking up the few steps at the back of the room I'm greeted by Nick setting up his bench, wrapping purple cling film all over his equipment ready for me. Nicks a slim build guy, with his signature beard that he's had ever since he was able to grow one. Me and him go way back so the odd free tattoo is his way of saying thanks for all the 'stuff' I've dealt with in the past for him. He's my best mate really, I try to let him know in our own way how much I appreciate him and he does the same. We only had each other for a long time so the chances of us ever falling out were slim.

'Hiya mate, I'm ready whenever you are, definitely getting the ship then we spoke about last week?' Nick says while filling up the little pots with different coloured ink

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'Hiya mate, I'm ready whenever you are, definitely getting the ship then we spoke about last week?' Nick says while filling up the little pots with different coloured ink.
'Yeah man, definitely. Did you manage to draw up a sketch last night?' Pushing my hair out of my face trying to manage the best I can. Nick pats the seat telling me to sit without actually saying it 'sure did, wanna check it, here ya go'.
He hands me a sketch of the ship, it's not the style you'd expect a ship to be in, it's more of a doodle than a well thought out picture. In my opinion it's loads better that a copy and paste picture slapped on my bicep.

'huh that's funny, I just remembered, yesterday I was tattooing this guy Louis and he got a compass

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'huh that's funny, I just remembered, yesterday I was tattooing this guy Louis and he got a compass. It just made me think of it cos' ya know pirates and whatever'.

I laugh it of by saying 'yeah that's weird'.

'He's actually coming in today to finish it off, you might know him he's got a bike as well. Don't know about a gang or anything but you might get on.' Nick adds.

I give a head nod not really sure what else to do 'cool yeah, I'll be nice'.
Nick laughs knowing that's my way of saying 'as long as he doesn't piss me off'. Which is true, I have a pretty good temper when it comes to patients but piss me off and you'll know right away I don't like you.

Nick peals away the stencil and starts the machine, carefully stabbing me with the needle. It doesn't hurt after having the amount I have by now, it actually kinda tickles. The rest of the afternoon was spent with me talking back and to with Nick and whoever else was there. I think one of the guys was called jack, I don't know, never really seen him around before. I wonder what time this Louis guy is gonna turn up?
(I know the first chapter wasn't very long but it had a lot of info thrown at you so I thought I'd keep it short and sweet to ease you in 😄)

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