Chapter 12

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'Oh shit sorry did I wake you? I struggle to sleep anywhere that's not my own bed.' She says all this while holding in a breath of smoke, finally releasing it into the air once finished.
She looks so peaceful, not scared anymore and almost as if her minds at piece.

'No you're good, I couldn't really sleep either to be honest.' It's true, today has been one hell of a day, well it's not even the same day anymore.
'What time is it? Are you normally awake at the crack of dawn?'
Dakota breaths in the last of her cigarette and stubs it out on the rock below her. I can tell she's got so many questions but is holding back for my benefit.

'Well, I'm usually at target practice at this time of day. Up and out the house. It's 6:45am by the way.' She looks over to me know sitting beside her on the stone wall surrounding the fire pit.
I don't know why we're sitting on the fire pit, there are perfectly good seats right in front of us.
I can't help the sign that leaves my lips when I realise I'm awake hours before I normally am.

'Eh if it's so early for Mr Styles why is he gracing my presence on this fine morning?'
The sweetest sound of her laugh is like music to my ears. Once again, her beauty takes me by surprise. Who'd-a thought a big scary biker gang leader would become a ball of jelly around a girl.

'Funny, I don't know. Couldn't sleep and then I saw the lights on out here. Thought maybe I should check it out.'

She replies with soft hum something I've picked up on. After our small talk a comfortable silence because noticed but neither one of us spoke. Maybe she thinks the same as me, that it doesn't have to be filled by random chit chat.
I'm never normally awake this early so I've never even realised the way the sun rises right behind my house. How the light dances through the trees reflecting off of the rain drops collecting on the leaves. Tiny rainbows are casted on the floor around us as if we're in some kind of fairy garden.
It's beautiful really.

'Do you remember when we were 12 and you convinced me that rain was the tears of giants

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'Do you remember when we were 12 and you convinced me that rain was the tears of giants.'
I burst out laughing having no idea where that even came from. How does she even remember that, that was like years ago. I didn't even know if she would remember me never mind such intense detail.
Then again, I remember telling her that.

'How the hell do you even remember that you weirdo!' We both burst out into a loud joint laugh. She nudges me with her shoulder in playful manner so I do the same back.

'I don't know, good memory I guess. Or it was just a good memory. Either one I'm glad I remember it, makes me laugh from time to time.'

'You think about me often do you love?' A cheeky grin is plastered on my face at just thought of her thinking about me before all of this. It's nice to hear her laughing after the melt down she had earlier. I hope I can I keep it that way.

'But to answer you question, I do remember. You were so cute back then, you still are. Apart from when you broke my heart multiple times.'

'Oh come on you can't be serious styles! You never really liked me, you just wanted to say you got in my knickers and brag to the others in training.' Is that how I made it seem, that I didn't even really like her?

'Honestly is that how I made you feel? Like it was just for a laugh?' I brace myself for her to say she didn't like me in that way and that she only saw me as a friend so it didn't bother her.

'Eh kind of Harry, we were really close but the way the other guys would tease you about me made it seem like it was all just some big joke to you, that you'd all go home and laugh together about how I nearly fell for you that day.'

Ouch. I really am a son of a bitch aren't I.

Not knowing what else to say, all that comes to mind is. 'I'm sorry Dakota.'

'Stop saying sorry Harry. You have nothing to be sorry for.' She and I both know this isn't true. After what I told her last night how can she even think I'm so innocent. I've become a monster after all these years of acting tough and scary to everyone else, it only took a blast from the past to break that tough exterior and reveal a gooey centre that is my heart.

Clearly she doesn't want to get into it all right now so I let it be.
It's now 8:30am and the sun is almost full in the sky. We both turn around when we hear noise coming from the kitchen. It's Mitch making him and Sarah a cup of coffee and taps on the window wiggling two mugs at us offering us one.
I look to Dakota who's nodding her head while holding her hands in a T shape asking for a brew.

Once Mitch understands he smiles and nods and goes to make out drinks.

'Come on then. Let's get this day started shall we?' I stand to my feet towering over her from above. I react out my hand to help her up, a bit of relief when she accepts and places her tiny hand softly into mine, engulfing hers. Our rings making a small clinking sound as they touch, I pull her up gently.

  We head back inside her leading the way, syking myself up to explain how I'm getting her out of all this, maybe her life will go back to normal without all the hiding if I can successfully help help her. Maybe this time, I'll be apart of that life.

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