Chapter 37

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2 week flash back

Dakotas POV

'We can not tell Harry when he wakes up guys. Do you know how stressed and confused he will be already. We shouldn't layer ontop of that with this.' I hate keeping secrets from H but when it comes to his health I have to. He's not even awake and we're already deciding what to do when he does.

Today, we received yet another parcel. Sitting nice and centre at our front door. This time, we all have an idea what would be inside. The note attached said, 'Happy early Halloween! Do you think you deserve a trick or a treat? This present will need opening ASAP, the second it arrives! So quick quick!'
Upon inspection, it looks perfectly harmless, lovely even. But we know Jeffrey and it's definitely not something sweet. Taking the bull by the horns I want to just get it over with. Standing in the kitchen with Sarah and Mitch, I rip open the box just wanting to get it over with.

'Oh Jesus Christ! Sorry Jesus, I know it's your birthday and whatever but what the hell man!' Mitch says pretty much what we were all thinking. Inside is yet another body part of who I'm guessing is Opie. His ear. And fuck me it stinks.

This time there are no markings or tattoos to confirm that this is his, but at this point why would he lie. I'm doing this to this poor man. I'm killing him the longer I avoid Jeffrey. I feel sick.

'Now what? Do we just throw it away? Keep it in the freezer?' Sarah picks up the box and is holding it at arms length, covering her face with a tea towel.

'I guess we just throw it out? What did Harry do with his hand?' All three of of try to remember how H discarded of his poor friends hand, when it clicks. All at one we look to the back garden.
(In unison) 'Fire pit.'

Back to Sunday the 24th October. Present day.

Dakotas POV

'Ok H, here are your pills and a glass of water. Take 2 remember and I'm going to let you sleep a little while ok? While I make tea.' We managed to get H to settle down and at least try and get some rest. I bought a black out blind, new plush pillows and even got him a new dressing gown, all ordered online of course.
As it's chilly now I thought we would all enjoy some warm dinner, so to keep myself from doing bad things to people who deserve it, I'm keeping busy and cooking.

The house was quite now, just me and H were home. The roast lamb was cooking away nicely and I'd even managed to find a bottle of red stashed away in the back cupboard. Feeling like I deserve a treat, I crack the cap and pour myself a glass.

It strange being in someone's house while they're not here/ asleep. I feel like I shouldn't be here. It's silly because of course I'm allowed, but I can't help myself when I see a book shelf piled high with hundreds of books I've never even heard of. Taking one over to the sofa, glass of wine in hand, this is the first time I've felt normal in ages.

Like being dragged out from the pages of the book, my eyes shoot up to the front door. The sound of the doorbell rings throughout the house and I'm cursing out whoever it is. If they wake H up before dinner I'm gonna kill them!

I place the book and wine down onto the coffee table and rush to open the front door. I'm confused, where's the person that rang? Looking around the driveway and behind the walls of the house, I just about manage to spot a man.
I couldn't let them leave, what if this is another one of Jeffreys 'presents'.

'Hey! Wait! I need to talk to you!' My legs start running before I'd even thought about it. With bare feet and the door still wide open, I'm running as fast as I can to catch up with them.
I know, if someone was chasing after me and shouting stop, I would keep running for the hills to. But I need to know what this person knows. Does he know Jeffrey personally? Is he the one doing these disgusting things to Opie?

'STOP!' I just about cut him off coming round a corner, slamming into him. 'Wait a minute! I just need to talk to you!' I have this man by the legs, he's trying his hardest to pull me off and run but the crazy me took over, picking up a rock on the driveway, I stand up, crashing it into the side of his head. Ok ok yes, a little dramatic, I know. But I'm going insane trying to keep everything together these past few weeks.

Standing over this poor man, I quickly check he's still breathing. Yes, ok. Good. Next, phone, tracker anything on him? Yes a phone, ok let's see what we got here. Lifting his thumb to access his phone, I start looking through messages and call logs to see who this guy knows.
'So, Callum. You do quite a lot of drops don't you? Hm. Lucky like Ol' Jeffy boy trusts you a lot ay. Annddd bingo, tracker. Maybe not as much as I thought then.'

A distant beeping sound is coming from the road, I step over Callum and walk to the main road seeing a bin collection truck making its way up the street. Quickly running behind the truck, I toss the phone away.
'Hey, lady only we're allowed to throw things in the truck. What was that?'
I put on my sweetest face and apologise. 'I'm sorry! It was just some extra boxed I forgot to put on the street.'
They look amongst themselves and brush it off.

Returning back to the unconscious man laying in our drive way, I have to think of something. Knowing I can't do it alone, I grab hold of his legs and pull him out of view from anyone walking by. Taking out my phone I call Sarah.

'Heyyy, so listen. You don't happen to know anyone with a soundproof room that can pull some teeth do ya?' The line is quite-

'What the fuck Dakota! Seriously!' Again, I wait for a more solid answer. 'Are you home?'

'YES! And H is asleep so be quick!'

'Be there in 2mins. Do not do anything stupid!.' With that, the line goes flat. Oh boy what have I done.

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