Chapter 51 part 2

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'So where exactly are we going today, besides your work?' This place isn't to far away but Dakota is chomping at the bit to know where we're going.
'Can you not be patient and just wait and see? Ever heard of surprises?' I side glance to my left to see her staring out the window, looking for any clues of where we're going.

'No I don't like them.... They make me anxious. In a good/ weird way.' She's trying her best to hold in her excitement and it's clear to see on her face.

We make it to our destination at 1pm, perfect for some lunch. Pulling into the gated park, her eyes light up.
'Harry oh my god! I've wanted to come here for so long! Just never had the time to! Ahh Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!' I knew she'd love it, and I get to have a brew as well so I'm happy.

Once we'd found a table and got comfortable, we ordered a pot of tea for 2, Dakota having a steak salad with the works and I have salmon and eggs Benedict

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Once we'd found a table and got comfortable, we ordered a pot of tea for 2, Dakota having a steak salad with the works and I have salmon and eggs Benedict.

'This has been so amazing H, I feel awful, I never treat you to anything. You didn't have to do this for me.' Once we'd finished eating, they brought out heated blankets for us to have whilst sitting.

'Baby, I'm not doing this to get anything in return! I just love spending time with you, and making you happy.' And it's true, I've admitted it to myself now that I do have strong feelings for Dakota. I know what I want and it's to make her happy, always.

The day went on and came to an ends, we'd eaten enough food for about 10 people, walked around all of the gardens and were ready to head home.
'So, home? I am craving my sofa.' Hand in hand, fingers locked together we walk back to the car.

Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now