Chapter 44

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Harrys POV

I needed to get my mind off of everything. Last night was crazy and this morning was so stressful from the get go, I just wanted to spend some quality time with Dakota. A small drive into the country side and I drove us to a old look out spot I remembered.

It has one parking spot on a random patch of concrete, perfect for a car to park, surrounded by muddy pot holes and grass.

The crisp fresh air blowing through the small crack in the windows, the smell of rain that had just about stopped and the soft hum of the song 'we belong together' is playing in the background.

'Hm, I love this song.' Dakota whispered. I leave the engine running so she can listen a little longer. I'm not familiar with the song but Dakota said she loved it, so, I of course kept it on.
My hands feel empty, I can't help fiddling with my rings lately. To keep myself from tapping at my legs, ruining the song for her, I take out a cigarette. I don't know what's up with me lately. I just want to hold her or touch her as much as she'll let me. It's like I can't get enough of her.

'Come here.' I take hold of Dakotas small hand from in between her thighs and pull her towards me. Not needed to explain myself, she hooks her left leg over mine. Taking a seat on my lap.
With the cigarette still hanging from my mouth, I take a deep inhale. She slowly plucks the cigarette out of my mouth and into hers. Somethings different with us. I can't put my finger on it, but it's like no matter how bad things get, we always manage to escape this world and go into our own.

After about 3 tokes, she brings the cigarette back to my lips, all while staring into my eyes with this... look. A look that I've seen once or twice before but I'm starting to understand what it means.

Neither of us had spoke a word while we let the song play, both just wanting to enjoy the music. When it finally came to an end, she looks almost sad. Like something is eating away at her on the inside. I hate it. I can't put my finger on what's wrong so I flick the almost finished cigarette but out the window and I ask, being a lot more forward and vocal with what I'm thinking now a-days because of her.

'Baby. Is something wrong? You're even more quiet that normal.' Oh I hate that look. Her usual bright golden eyes are back to how they were when I woke up in hospital. Dim and lifeless. Her nose is all rosey from the cold and her cheeks are the same. She has a look like she's got something to say that is killing her.
She doesn't reply but her head falls to her chest. Her arms that were resting on my shoulders fall into her lap.

'Hey hey what's wrong? Is this- is this about Phoebe or Opie?' To be fair there are plenty of things that could have got her mood to drop now that it's just the two of us.

The car was warming up now. We'd put the heating on full blast to combat the icey chill outside but this made the windows all foggy.

This seemingly easy going question tipped her over the edge she was so desperately clinging onto. Pools of water begin to collect under her eyes and her hands were now shaking for a different reason than the cold. Unsure of how we got here, I ask again.

'Dakota? Have I upset you?' She frantically starts to shake her head back and forth, squeezing her eyes shut. So I've not upset her, I doubt any of the guys have upset her. What's wrong?

'Please. What's wrong.' The silence between us is deafening. She parts her lips a little as if she's about to say something but doesn't. To encourage her to talk, I give her thighs 3 small squeezes.

With dowey eyes, she gives in and speaks. ' I- Im just scared H. I'm constantly worrying 24/7 about literally everything going on. There was a point back when this all started that I was willing to go to Jeffrey and leave you behind all over again and now- now we've build this little family, you guys have been amazing. The thought of loosing you is killing me. When you were in the hospital and we weren't sure you'd ever recover, all I thought about was what I could do to fix it. It's just going to be all the more harder to let you go.'

It felt like all the blood drained from me, my grip on her legs got tighter as if she was about to disappear. What does she mean, let me go? I'm never letting her out of my sight ever again.
Jumping to conclusions, a mixed bunch of words fall out of my mouth not making any sense.
'What- what what are you even saying? You- you're not letting me go, where are you going?' I don't mean to come off angry but how could I control my emotions after her saying this.

'Harry please, let me explain! Please I'm not leaving you, listen!' She wipes away some fallen tears with the sleeve of my hoodie she subconsciously likes to wear over anything else. 'I'm sorry H my wording was all wrong. I meant..... in case something else goes wrong, worse than your coma. That you could never have woken up from. like Jeffrey finds me and takes me, probably will kill me after all this, I'll have to say goodbye and it's clear to see neither of us are going to accept it. I'm sorry. See this is why I don't talk much because when I do, I say stupid shit like this and make eve-

Before she could finish I had to stop her from rambling. My fingers find her face, tangling in her hair. All I wanted was to calm her down, let her know everything was going to be ok. With a little to much force, I pull her face to mine, lips instantly joining together like that perfect puzzle we are. A sweet little hum falls from her mouth into mine.

There she is

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There she is. My baby. Her body relaxes back into mine like it's always meant to be. The kiss is passionate and deep, not to much and not to little. Her long lashes begin to flutter on my cheeks, I can't help saying what comes to mind 'My baby. My baby. Tell me baby.' She slowly pulls away from me to get a look at my face and I do the same to her. It seems I'd started to tear up as well.
I didn't mean to make her cry, I want to tell her how much she means to me.

Her plump lips turn into a small frown and I unknowingly do the same. Hating to see her sad, I pull her forward locking our lips again but this time deeper and more meaningful. Full of passion and dare I dream, love.

GUYS!I cant tell you how much I loved this chapter 😭 I wanted to show Harry and Dakotas soft side towards each other and I really think I got that in here. Also I was pretty much crying writing the last bit- my baby. If you've not listened to this song it's so beautiful, interpret how you will but for the purpose of my story I changed it a little, he means it as 'tell me what I can do to help, talk to me.' I fucking love this so much it's so cute. Let me know if you liked this chapter to. E x

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