Chapter 8

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Opie was driving me to find Dakota. His truck was just a little more roomy and comfortable for long distance travel.
The radio humming 'November rain' by Guns N Roses just barely able to hear and we'd past the storm a little bit of sun creeping through the morning clouds.

'So Harry hold on, he's making you look for her? Why? And what hold does he have over you that's got you so determined to find this girl? You haven't even seen her in year.'

I never got round to telling Opie or any of the guys really what me and Dakota went through together back in high school. It's when she just learnt that her family were pretty much royalty when it comes to money and shit. But she never wanted anything to do with it at the time. I would see her running off with some lads to some underground secret building just outside of Huddersfield. I kept it to myself for a good while until one day I followed her there to see more but she caught me. Guess all the training finally worked. I asked her what the hell she was doing inside the building that was hidden underground made to look like nothing more than maybe a car park. She didn't know what else to do other than tell me the truth because I threatened to tell everyone and anyone that she was doing some dodgy sex work shit, I know I hate myself yeah yeah. Dakota then made me promise not to tell a soul about what I saw.
Inside this massive building was organised training, training in all sense of the word from self defence to killing someone with there own thumb. It was amazing, I'd never seen anything like it other than in movie and I wanted in. I wanted to go through the training myself and live this double life she did.

It was rough, not fun at all. Nothing like the Kim possible I may add but the guys took me in as one of their own and her family basically accepted me as part of the family. Dakota was strong minded and knew what she wanted out of life and I admired her. I wanted to be like her and that's when I ended up falling for her.

As embarrassing as it is to say, she rejected me multiple times. I was head over heals for her but she only saw me as the kid who followed her to training.

So that's basically answered the first part of Opies question, but all I could and wanted to say was 'erm we go way back actually, old family friends.'

'And what hold does Jeff have over me, let's just say I know the girl and I know where she might be. He, he's got pretty much all my money from every dodgy deal, all the money that's not legally mine stashed away in his secret spot that only he knows. I was stupid Ope, I was young and stupid and had him take care of everything for me when I didn't know what the hell I was doing back then. If I don't help him, not today but he's said in the past, if I don't keep helping him do any job he asks that moneys gone. It will vanish from the earth, not into his bank account not anywhere I can get it back. Gone.'

It was silent between us for a moment until Opie broke it ' shit man. Why the fuck didn't you tell me when we first met? I could have had some guys help you find the money. Get it back before he did anything stupid. How long have you just been doing shit for him? Months? Years?'

I could tell Opie felt heartbroken for me. He knew I had no way out of this. Even if I did everything for him he's probably never going to give me my money back. I was stupid to trust him. In my eyes Jeffrey was a king. He had men everywhere for him, he had money coming out of his ears and I wanted that.

'Come on, we're here.'

Pulling into a dingy street in the quieter part of town, with only the street lights to see where we were going I led me and Opie to the centre of town.
'Mathew street, really Harry. Did you bring me here have a little boogie and an a dance?'
I punch him right in the chest making him double over. 'it wasn't that hard soft lad, come on, in we go.'
I led him into 'Alchemy' and was instantly hit with the smell of cheep booze and Tenacious D  blasting through the speakers.

'Jesus lad it's like we're 16 again. Are you sure this is the place you'll find her? How do you know she's even in here?'

I'm scanning the room, but all I can see it red, it's like my eyes have a filter everything is distorted. As I make my way through the crowd  I tell Opie the truth.
'Because I'm constantly stalking the fox.'

As if in bloody slow-mo my eyes catch the first glims of Dakota

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As if in bloody slow-mo my eyes catch the first glims of Dakota. Standing at the bar, wearing a Metallica t-shirt, black ripped jeans and black doc Martens. Personally, a fucking Goddess. She looks happy, she's smiling and joking with some other people as she drinks what I can imagine to be a beer. She doesn't try to be edgy, she just is. This is her.

As stunning as she is she can go un-detected. Keeping in her small group of friends that she trusts with her life. All the secrets and lies she has to keep. No one is bothering her, not because they don't find her attractive but because she hides away in the corners of the club so easily. But I spot her.

'So what, you're just going to walk up to her and be all manly? You have to come with me! On her ass or what. Is this a good cop bad cop situation?'
'Ope just shut for one minute will ya.'
I cant be doing with a million questions from him right now, I've got to get hold of Dakota and get out of her.

All I do is blink, that's it and she was gone from my view. How? She was right there. Her friends are still there maybe she's just in the toilet?
'Did you see where she went, she literally just vanished from the club?'

'I think she slipped outside man, quick in case she leaves.'
Opes right, god if she disappears now it'll take me days to find her again. We run out the side door that she hopefully went through looking around frantically hoping we spot her.

'Looking for someone gentlemen?'

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