Chapter 13

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'Ok Ope, what we got? Show us the goods.'
Today is stock taking day. Normally I'd have someone else do this shit for me with everything I've got going on with Dakota, but I can't just abandon my jobs over some girl trouble.

So she's on house arrest with Mitch and Sarah while I handle things here.

'Alright here's everything listed you call them out and pretty boy here will run and check stock.' Says Opie with a fag gangling out his mouth. Opie doesn't do anything he doesn't want to. Why bother when you have little helpers like Timmy.

'Oh ello Timmy, sticking it out with us then are ya? Haven't seen you in a while where've you been?' We start to walk down the many long aisles. With only our footsteps echoing through the building.

'Erm good yeah thanks Boss, it was my friends 18th birthday last week so that was fun.' I could see he didn't want to talk about it, his face went all red and he was shuffling his feet. Me and Opie both smirked at one another laughing into our firsts.

'We heard you had more than just a fun time lad, meet anyone knew?'
The poor kid went white when he realised we knew what he'd been up to over the weekend.

'I'm Harry fuckin' Styles and I have eyes and ears all over the place. We got a little tip from a friend living near great Northern Street, ring any bells?'

'Oh god no! Seriously! Please you can't tell my mum it was a one time thing. My mates through it would be funny for my first time to just get it out the way, be a stranger ya know-'

'Hey mate we're not judging! I just thought pretty boy like you must get all the ladies, you shouldn't have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. That's why you know us!' Opie bursts into laughter at the very true statement.

'What I think Harry's tryna say mate is you can do a lot better. You're a good lucking lad, decent job and shouldn't settle for anything less than an 8 at least.'

'Damn right!' My voice travelling around the wear house a little muffled form the fag in between my lips.

We make it to the end of all the shelving, Timmy doing a decent job of help stock take.
He'll be alright here, we'll toughen him up in time and he'll fit right in.

'Erm Harry could I speak to you a sec?'
Once we've finished up in the wear house, Timmy pulls me aside. He looks nervous, as if he's got some big secret he needs to tell.
I walk him into the office and tell him to shut the door behind him. I take a seat in my roller chair and point to the spare, gesturing for him to sit down. 

'Come on then laddy, what's up? I've got a joint and beer calling my name at home.' I kick my feet up on the desk and wait for him to speak up.

'Yeah ok, Erm, I've kind of fell into some trouble with someone you might know?' He starts to pick at the flaky skin around his nails, pulling at the already bloody corners.
He's got my attention and I have a feeling I know just the name he's about to say.
' It's Jeffrey Morgan? He eh, he said if I just did a couple of deals for him he'd give me enough to pay off my mums housing bills but- but I just have this feeling Harry that- that's he's not actually going to stick to the deal. I don't know what- what I'm supposed to do and-'

I feel awful. Not only for his family situation but also the mess he's got himself into. I know all to well how good it feels to be on the receiving end of Jeffreys 'help', and look where it's got me. He'll just look at Dakota, she's in shots creek with him as well. I don't want to see this poor lad get dragged down the same road I did, trying to pay off bills that aren't even his as well. Poor kid.
He reminds me a lot of me back in the day actually. The same wide eyes look trying to be the big tough man when really you're barely afloat.

'Alright Tim, calm down don't panic. How much is it that you need to help your mum out hm? Couple of hundred? Thousand?' I can help him out if it's just money after all, get Jeffrey off his back. Get him to say the deals off. I may have to help him out a little on that end as well.

'Eh, two thousand pound Harry. I can't have you just give me the money. It's not your debt to pay. I just need some advice on what to do maybe push the pay date back a bit?'
His fingers are now bleeding, raw. His hands start to shake uncontrollably along with his knees.
I roll my chair over to his, gently putting my hands onto of this knees and pat them steady. Sometimes you gotta put your scary hard face away and put on your caring one.
I swear there's something in my tap water because I've been a lovely sod the past few weeks.

'Ok, listen to me. My house, the eh the the walls all downstairs need re painting. Do know how to handle a roller?' Coming up with some random bullshit excuse, I want to keep him out of my dodgy shit as much as possible. At least this way I can keep an eye on him and help him at the same time. Make him see you gotta earn your money not just have it handed to you.
His quiet voice comes out shaky 'yeah I've painted before..... is there enough work worth two grand tho? I don't want no pitty money H.'

The little nickname pulls at my heart strings.
Of course there's not enough work worth two grand but he doesn't need to know that.
'Of course mate. Big house and all that. You'll be begging to quite after a day.'

'Ok thankyou H.' Before I could reply his arms come flying round my shoulders. I'm not used to all this affection stuff. Not knowing what else to do I just pat his back assuring him it's nothing.
'Come on. You're legally aloud to join me for a pint now. You can come meet Clifford my dog.'
I pull him into a head lock and ruffle up his loose curls followed by him pushing me away with a big grin on his face.
'Harry not the curls!' He responds struggling to speak while laughing.

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