Chapter 32

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Adrenaline. That's what's flowing through me right now. That and a bump of Coke I had stashed away in the car. God and did I need it. I need to be alert, on my game.

Like taking a flock of lamb to slaughter, I lead everyone into the building through a broken window one by one. Nothing has even happened yet and I already feel guilty.

I give everyone the signal to pair up and take out as many of Jeffreys guys as possible without being seen. Sarah and Mitch go one way, Pope, Zoe another and finally me and Dakota. I didn't wanna risk us splitting up completely, that would only make things worse.

Right on schedule, the guards walked into our trap unaware of us. I told all the guys no guns unless absolutely necessary. I see one coming towards us, stupid bastard. Are you really on your phone right now? I take out my knife and drive it into his stomach covering his mouth in the process. Not even a chance to scream, I take the knife again and slit his throat. His phone falling from his hands, just when I think it's game over Dakota grabs it mid fall.

To keep the now dead guy hidden, we prop him up against some old boxes hidden away in the corner. Hopefully no one finds him.
'Hey, point D to point B anything going on up your end? Over.'

A muffled voice is heard next to us but I know it's not one of us. I look around to find the source of the sound, panic really setting in. Luckily Dakota finds it, a Walkie-talkie, Velcrode to their jacket. With pure panicking and uncertainty of what to do, she chucks it to me, me being the only guy around to pretend to be the guy we just so happened killed a moment ago.

'Erm (clears throat) yes point B to point D, all clear on my end. Nothings happened yet. Over' Shit should I have said that, yet. I've blew our cover for sure. Dakota seems enthusiastic about my approach so I we wait for them to talk.

'Ok, you doing ok Billy? Want me to come your way and talk for a bit? Over' Shit shit shit.

'No! No all fine thanks. Over.' I'm trying to talk as little as possible. I don't want this other guy realising I sound different to this Billy guy.

'Well alright, I'm near the stairs if you need me. Over' I don't reply. And Thank this guy for telling up his location.

After taking all of Billy's gear and a handy dandy bullet proof vest, we continue on looking for Opie.

Sarahs POV

'I love Harry to death but if he gets us killed, I'm gonna kill me.' Honestly, I've knew about Harrys dodgy deals and bad things he gets up to since the day I met him but this, this takes the bloody cake. God cake, I'm so hungry.

'Mitch! Ppsstt Mitch!' I tug at the bottom of his T-shirt, I need to know where we're heading in this maze of shit.

He turns briefly to check I'm ok but rolls his eyes when he sees I'm fine and we're in no danger yet. 'Sarah! Seriously, if you ask one more time about when you can eat or when we're leaving I'll shoot you in the foot. So please just be quite!'

Wowza, that wasn't very Mitch of him. Was expecting a sweet reply like 'don't worry Sars, home before you know it'. 'I was going to ask, what exactly is our plan? Do we just incognito take them out?'

'Yeah, I guess. Didn't really think it through. But yeah, as quiet as you can.' Lovely Mitch is back and turns to face me. A warm smile and quick kiss to the lips.

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