Chapter 51 part 1

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November 29th

Harry's POV

Part 1

I spent the rest of Friday and yesterday trying not to think about Jeffrey. I wanted to enjoy my time with Dakota and telling her all the little things she'd like to know about my mum and sister. I told her how they are so excited to come up, but I hadn't mentioned her to them yet. She was a little worried that they were going to be disappointed she's here, that it will ruin my reunion with them, but I assured her they loved her when we were younger, that they were always asking who she was and it will be a nice surprise.

Today tho, is different. It's like I'm living two separate lives. I have to get rid of a body. This is the last thing I need to be worrying about when I've got to put on a big smile and act like everything's fine with Dakota, when really I'm throwing up at the smell of rotting flesh.

Covered head to toe in hazmat suits and gloves, me, Timmy and nick are bagging what's left of Callum. And I really mean.... What's left. It seems the rat that was here last time told it's friends about the all you can eat buffet, and they have pretty much stripped him down to the bone.

Jesus Harry, when you said you needed my help clearing some shit away, I would have told you to fuck off if I'd have known it was doing this!' Ah Timmy. I've missed your funny wit.
A disgusted look never leaving his face.

'Well I'm sorry, I couldn't exactly say, 'hey mate, can you come help get rid of a body for me?' Over the phone now could I soft lad? I'm sorry alright, I know this is a lot to ask, but I need help to get it done as quick as possible. Dakota has definitely clocked I'm up to something, I can't be shopping this much. She knows I hate it, so grab a hand full and get baggin.'

After about an hour of scooping up flesh and guts, and after all of us at least once had thrown up into the bags, we are finally done.
'See job done. Wasn't that hard now was it, and I'll even pay you for your services.' I rip off the blood covered gloves and shove them in the bag. Taking out my wallet and handing them both £200 each. I'm very fortunate to have a legit business going so well this time of year and others on the side. Speaking of legit business. I have to go into the office to sort some things.

I left them two to handle the rest, disposing of the body by burning it and everything along with it. Cant be to careful. I know I've been avoiding Dakota lately and I'm not doing it on purpose, I want to spend every second with her, but I'm so busy. So to make it up to her, I'm picking her up to take her into the office and then go on a mini date to Green head Park. They have a really cool conservatory you can sit and drink coffee and have bits of food.

I pull up to the house in my Pontiac Catalina, the roads are a lot better this week, no ice or snow covering them. I've been texting her on the way to the house so she can be ready.
I honk my horn a few times and a really long one to make sure she heard. Well and because I'm in a funny mood today. I feel happy.

With her bag falling off her shoulder, her slightly wavy hair blowing in the breeze, she runs to the car, smiling ear to ear.

'Hey babbyy, missed you. Come on, jump in.' I've been chewing on a pack of gum all day, trying to calm my nerves and not make it obvious, also I want to try and cut back on smoking so this is helping. She swings open the door and hops right in the front seat. I haven't told her where we're going yet, so I tell her now. 'So, I've got some errands to sort out at my warehouse, thought you'd wanna get out the house and come with?' I know it's probably boring to her but I can't help myself, it's like I have to be around her all the time and if not, I get all antsy and worked up. I worry if I leave her to long something bad will happen.

She leans over the arm rest and plants a very excited kiss on my lips. So I ask what that was for. 'Excited much? We're only going to my work babe, it's literally just shipping containers and box's everywhere.' I can't help smiling at how giddy she is.

'I know! But I've never been there before also, every time I've asked in the past to go, you've said it's boring. And I'm nosey. I like to look around places.' I can't argue with that. With that, I put the gear in drive and head to the office.

'Wow H this place is massive! You were really down playing this place.' Once we'd made it to the office, Dakota was straight in everything looking around and asking me what all the things were for, so I explained what we do, how we hold peoples stuff for them and ship them out when needed. Her finding it way to fascinating than what it really is.

When we got to the office part of the warehouse, something makes her whole mood flip. The big goofy smile she had was now a sad, guilt like frown. I look to what could have upset her so quickly, spotting it right away.

A Plaque that read- 'Opie Winston, 2ic'. It's sitting right where it always has, slightly dusty from no one being in here for so long. Since this all started with Jeffrey, I told the cleaners not to bother because we won't be there. It hasn't clicked that this is the first time I've been to the wear-house since Opie has been missing.

'Hey. Look at me, don't look at that. Today is about being happy right? I forgot that was even here, I would have moved it if I remembered.' Great now I feel guilty for bringing the mood down.

She doesn't say anything in response, she simply nods and turns away from it. Faking a smile like she always seems to have to do. I can tell she doesn't want to talk about it because I'm the same, we always end up saying the same things. 'We'll find him, don't worry, it will all be over soon' ect ect and we both know that doesn't really bring much comfort anymore, so we don't speak at all.

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