Chapter 40

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Dakotas POV

'Hells club- ok this is both the complete opposite, but also the exact thing I was expecting when you said the place was called hells club

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'Hells club- ok this is both the complete opposite, but also the exact thing I was expecting when you said the place was called hells club.' We had to drive just over an hour  all the way to Doncaster. A bunch of mismatch misfits, all three of us are standing outside of what quite literally could be hell. I get what Mitch was on about now.

'What the fuck is this place Mitch? And how do you even know what it is?' Sarah swivels on her heel to face Mitch who has a devilish grin.
'Well my lovely girlfriend, this place is known for there bad guests and even worse drinks. It's a place where the evil people go and get away with bad things as the owner quite literally is a drug dealer/ convicted murderer....allegedly.' Like speaking a grand speech, he raises his arms in the air to introduce us to the sinful building.  

And boy did it live up to its reputation. Old style brick, with ghouls and devils carved out of stone take up most of the brickwork. Around them are carvings of what I'm guessing is supposed to look like stalagmite, hanging rock giving it that old worn down look. The entry-way into the building is a face of a devil with their mouth wide open, the gates placed inside. Just behind the gates were two body guards letting people in and out.

I think me and Sarah were both as freaked out as each other. Sarah discreetly loops her pinky with mine as Mitch is holding her other hand, leading us inside. Before we could see the full extent of how crazy this place is, Mitch pulled us aside.
'Ok I know this place looks crazy.... and well it is but you don't have to be scared. I'm not guaranteeing we'll leave here in one piece, but we'll be fineeee! Come on I need a drink.'

That was the worst pep talk I have ever heard. He basically is saying we are in danger in here and here he is, leading us inside.  Making our way through crowds of people, I try not to push into anyone. Where as Mitch on the other hand is using his shoulder to make a B line to the bar.

I'm unable to even hear myself think over the music, I recognise as 'killing in the name of by Rage against the machine'. Mitch seems in a very good mood to be fair so I'm happy to go along. As long as we find whoever it is we came all this way for in the next hour, I guess a few drinks won't hurt.

Mitch manages to flag down the bar staff after pretty much climbing over the top of the bar, and orders us a round of 3 flaming sambucas each and 3 beers. Beer not really being my go-to drink but I do drink it now and then.
'Phew, ok ready 3 2 1!' Mitch does a count down and on 1 we all blow out the flames and neck all 3 of our shots in a row. The burning liquid coats my throat in the best way.

We make our way over to a booth in the corner of the room and begin to relax a little. With everything going on, it is nice to be able to unwind. I hope Mitch hasn't forgot the main reason we are even here tonight. To find Jeffrey and Opie.

As time went on, I made sure to check my phone every 10 minutes to see if H was ok and resting. He was of course, still very in and out of it. We asked Pope to come and keep an eye on him while we were out, I only agreed to come tonight if someone was going to stay with H.

Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now