Chapter 30

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Harrys POV

I gave everyone a satnav that didn't already have one and told them the address of where I think Jeffrey will have Opie hidden away. Everything was going so smoothly, I was driving with Dakota on my left and my hand resting comfortably on her thigh. She decided some music would be good to calm my nerves seen as she caught my leg bobbing up and down.

High way to hell was playing softly in the background and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how fitting the song was for this moment.

We were pulling out of a side road not to far from the bar when out of nowhere something comes crashing into the front of my car.
'Holy shit! What the fuck was that!'

Dakota had already unbuckled her seatbelt and was running around to the front of the car to help whoever it was that just flew over my bonnet.

'Oh my fucking god! Are you ok? Can you move? Are you bleeding?! Let me see your-'
Dakotas words cut short when I rush to help the poor person laying on the floor. As if today couldn't get anymore fucking nuts I get a look at who it is.

'TIMMY! Shit Timmy are you ok! I'm so fucking sorry, you came out of nowhere!' Just our fucking luck. On our way to go save another one of our friends just to end up having to probably take another to the hospital along with him.
He was still conscious and thank fuck wearing a helmet, and no obvious bone breakage. I still feel fucking awful for hitting him.

'Harry what the hell man! You just hit me with your car? Is this the thanks I get for coming to offer to help! I'm fine fine, don't stress, just give me a minute.'

The poor lad crawled into a sitting position and  rested his head on the front of the car. The other car with everyone else in it must have saw what happened and managed to turn back around to find us.
Sarah was the first to rush to Timmys side, shock and anger all over her face.

'Timmy oh my god! What the hell happened here?' Her face was bright red with anger just waiting to unleash it on whoever hurt him. And I got the short straw.

'Ok Sarah it looks worse than it is. It's not H's fault, I came out of nowhere.' Great thanks for returning the favour of throwing me under the bus, or car should I say.

'Sarahhh ok hear me out! I was driving at a normal speed, hardly pushing 30 and this fuckin' ally is a blind spot, you can't see shit on either side of you until you've actually exited it!' I hold my hands up in surrender pleading for my life, if it's not Jeffrey who'll end up killing me it's her.

I start to back up slowly, don't know where the hell I'm thinking of going but far away as possible from her right now. To my surprise she storms up to me, knuckles white and red in the face.
I just accept I'm in for a beating an scrunch my face up holding my hands up to my face, protect my best feature and all. She raises her hand and ..... flicks my forehead? The fuck.

'Erm ow that.... hurt!' This is weird. Normally I would be getting kneed in the balls or swotted over the head.

'You could have killed him Harry! Watch your fucking speed next time! You're so lucking we've got shit to do!' With that she turns back around, the gravel of the road crunching under her feet.

'Am I dead or was that the nicest punishment Sarah has ever gave?' Everyone let's put a breathy laugh and all climb back into their cars. Dakota simply rolls her eyes and buckles back up in the car waiting for me to do the same.

'Wait! Harry what the hell is going on? Where are you all going in such a rush? Everything ok?' I couldn't lie to him. Opie had pretty much taken Timmy in as his own at this point and I'm sure he's got some idea that Opes in trouble after not coming to the office.

I try to make my face as reassuring as possible but whom I kiddin', I probably look like shit.
'Timmy erm, Opie..... Ope-

'No he's not! Don't say he's-'

'God no! Well we're not 100% sure but that's why we're going. We're gonna go get him back and sort this whole thing out. He's in trouble tho so we need to get movin.'

I start to pick away at the skin flaking off around my nails. I don't dare look at the poor kid standing in front of me. Him and Opie had got really close while working together. They'd tell each other stories of their lives and Ope really seemed to help Timmy through some rough family stuff. I hadn't told him until now because I didn't want this situation to get out of hand, but I realise now that was wrong of me to keep this from him.

'But what if, what if he's already dead Harry? What if they just tricking you into thinking he's still alive to get you there and kill you as well?' His voice starts to shake, and I can see him trying to hold back the tears fighting to fall. Not sure what else to do, I pull him into my chest and hug him like it's the first and last time.

'I know Timmy, we're doing everything we can to get him back to us, alive. Everything's going to be ok.' I don't know why I said that because we all know that that might not be the outcome of all of this. I just wanted to take away his pain.

Once Timmy had calmed down and managed to wipe the residue of his tears away with the back of his sleeve, not wanting everyone to see him cry, I get him to call his mum and explain what's happening. She might not be even care but I had to do the right thing. And when he hung up we made an agreement that we will text or ring him every 30 minutes to keep him in the loop, and for him to keep his phone on and charged for the rest of the day.

I grab hold of his bike and toss it in the boot of my car, Dakota even let him ride up front with me for the ride home.

I apologised at least 10 more times to him about hitting me with my car and got told off by his mum as well. Eventually we left his house and carried on driving to this unknown place.

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