Chapter 25

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'So you hold it with both hands, never one! You'll want to stand with you feet shoulders width apart making a nice strong shape to keep you up right, you'll just look stupid otherwise it when jolts you backwards. Make sure the safety's off, this little thing here..... aim and shoot.'

Pope is running through the basics of guns with Mitch and Sarah. Me and Dakota are practicing disarming when face to face with someone with a knife. Can you believed I've not been in this situation in years. People are normally to scared to get up close to me with a gun nether mind a knife.

'Ok so I'll show you what I know about these things-'

'Oh Harry thats so cute you think you know more than me about weapons, do you remember who you're talking to?' Looking all sweet and innocent, Dakota picks up to blades laying in the trunk of my car, smiling to herself.

Oh boy, how could I forget. She was top in the class when it came to knives. She's hit every target and one time the tutor dismissed her thinking she wouldn't be able to keep up so she threw the knife, missing the target completely but just missing the tutors head by inches.
Granted it got her put in isolation for a week but she proved her point. Don't underestimate Dakota and her knives.

Dakotas holds the two knives, one in a normal grip and the other with the blade pointing down, easier to swing in-front of her.

'Ok I'm gonna swing with my right hand so I'm gonna come at you from the side, you'll want to either dodge it completely or if you can't, you'll want to block it. So putting you arm out in front of your face strong, your arm can't be floppy otherwise they're gonna get ya.'

No prior warning she comes at me with her the knife swinging with her right hand. I instinctively put up my right arm blocking it like she said.
I quickly knock the knife out of her hand, dropping it on the floor. I take my chance to grab it myself as I push her away.

Not bad seen as I've not had to do that in a while ay.

I know nothings going to be easy when it involves Jeffrey but I still have hope we'll get through this together.

'Wow look at you mr dogs bollocks. Ya know it's not gonna be this easy in real life right?' Pope and Mitch have been training by themselves and must have been watching us.
Mitch came over to mess about, I'm guessing he's bored because he's not actually sure what he's doing.

'Come on I could have ya easy!' Mitch grabbed my legs playfully being a dick not taking any of this seriously.

'Come on, come on guys focus. Got a lot to get through here.' Dakota clocking us on messing about standing not amused with her hands on her hips.

'Here. Take this one and go practice, it's like bloody baby sitting when you two are together.' Dakota hands me to knives, one of them being the knife that was stabbed into my door and goes to grab a drink.

Did she keep this? That's kinda scary.

'Babe come onnnn we're only fooling' around don't leave us to fend for ourselves!' I know we're being stupid but it's nice to have a little normalcy once in a while. It feels like ages since I just acted normal and not in a mood all the time.

As she walks over to Sarah and pope who are taking a break, she flips me off from behind her. My heart swells when she turns around briefly, blowing me a kiss.
Not wanting to be in her bad books, I pretend to catch the kiss and slip it into my back pocket. Walking backwards now, she gives me a big teethy grin, before turning towards pope and Sarah.

We've been training for what feels like days, I've got blisters all over my hands and sweat coming out of places I didn't know it could.
'Ok gang come on. We've been at this for hours now, I need a shower and my bed!'

Everyone else looked just as bad as I felt, proving my point now is a good time to stop.
Packing up all our shit, I throw all the weapons into my bag halting when I spot the knife that was jammed in our door. Something catches my eye that I didn't see before. On the knife is a little inscription. So tiny but just able to work it out.

Property of Dean Morgan. G001622JAFS.
'Well that just proves this is the psychos knife I guess.' It won't help us in anyway so I just pack it up and go back over to the group.

Once we'd all practically slithered back into the car, we head home to shower and take some rest. Who knows what will happen next.

Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن