Chapter 28

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Three knocks vibrate off of the walls. I practically felt Dakotas poor heart jump out of her rib cage. Are they for real? They know how stressed she is and they go and do stupid shit like that?

'Seriously! You're gonna bang like that on my bloody door!' Im probably not even angry at the person behind the door more so needing a person to let all my anger out on.

I let go of Dakota and storm over to the door to see who so desperately needed to see us. 'HELLO! Go on then answ- my words are cut short, Mitch and Pope are standing in the door frame with a look that says 'shit- we're fucked' and I've seen that look many times but never on my friends.

'Erm Harry you might wanna come down stairs for this one mate, let Dakota get some rest .... Up here.' Popes eyes had a look of pure fear and worry in them that darted behind me and back to me and mitch looked like he was going to throw up.

Never have I known pope to look scared and even a little nervous but right now just the sight of him made me wanna shrivel up and hide.

'Erm yeah one sec....' I backup back into the bedroom and kiss Dakota on the top of her head 'nothing bad is going to happen I promise.'
I know I shouldn't make promises I can't keep but I have to give her a little bit of hope otherwise I'm gonna loose her for good.

I grab my phone and mouth 'text me if you need me' to Dakota, shutting the door on my way out.

'Ok, what can seriously have gotten worse in the space of me leaving you like 5 minutes ago?!' I whisper shout at them. I run my fingers through my hair, sighing at how stressful all of this is.

'Erm you need to come down stairs and see something...... can't tell you here...... 'people' might be listening.' Mitch looks over to the room I just left Dakota, seen as we're only a few feet away from the door still.

'Fine. Come on this better be important after this bloody build up Jesus.' One by one me, Mitch and pope drudge down the stairs, our heavy footing echoing through the house.

'Oh guys...... you shouldn't have! For me?!' Sat on the kitchen table was ( what I thought was a) perfectly wrapped box in blue and silver wrapping paper, pretty string and everything.
When I got up close I realised it was already open, tutting 'wow couldn't even wait for me to open it first. What's in here anywayyyyyyyyy WHATTTT THE FUCK IS THAT!' Holy shit! I couldn't keep my voice down if I tried.

Inside the box is a hand. A fucking hand. 'Harry, look at the tattoo, the fucking tattoo on the thumb' Mitch is pointing at a dark mark symbol covered by the paper. This symbol, I know so clearly but can't put my finger, huh, on where I've seen it before and then it hit me.

'No, no this can't be real! They've just tattooed some random and chopped their hand of its not- it's not him!' I know that symbol because.... It's THE symbol Opie has had on his hand since he was 14.

Perfectly placed, sized and angled ..... on this hand.

'Harry, there's more in the box.' Mitch points underneath the dismembered hand to a card in a silver envelope covered in blood, just begging to be read.

I reach into the box flinching when the hand brushes up against mine. Grabbing the card as quickly as I can.

I look at both Mitch and pope before slowly opening the card. I take a deep breath expecting the worst, I don't want to get my hopes up.

Dear, mr. Styles, Ms. Richards, Mr. Rowland, Ms. Jones and Mr. O'Connor.

I hope this gift finds you well. As you can see I've grown tired of your waiting game. I took it upon myself to get the ball rolling. Unless you want to receive your friend bit bit- piece by piece until there's nothing left to send, I suggest 'handing' over what I want.

All the best J.

I read the card aloud but it didn't actually sink in what I was saying. I had to re read it about 5 times to actually process the fact that that is my best mates hand on my kitchen table.

All the colour had left Mitches face and I don't blame him. He quickly turns facing the skink and threw up the contents of his stomach.
'Sorry but that's fucking disgusting.' He wipes the sick from his tongue, sticking his head under the tap swilling his mouth.

Unable to stop her from coming into the kitchen, Dakota comes running in 'guys is everything ok! I heard shouting and- ew fucking hell who threw up? Jesus- and what did you eat!' Oblivious to the present that we all backed away from on the table, Dakota laughs thinking he just threw up over something stupid until- ' FUCK ME!'

Her whole body went ridged, freezing in the position she was in the second she saw the hand. She didn't blink, she didn't even breath like if she did it would jump out at her like 'thing' from the Addams Family.

I took a steady step forward grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her backwards, dreading the nightmares already cooking up in her brain about this later.

'Dakota breath ok, just breath. It's ok.' She quickly spun around facing me with a freaked out expression.

'How. THE FUCK. IS THIS OK HARRY!' Good point. She got me there. Her skin was pale white, eyes filling up more and more with tears just waiting to fall and her bottom lip was shaking.

I know Dakotas obviously dealt with shit like this in the past but I think it's the fact we know who's hand it is. It's our friend, my brothers hand. That's why she is so freaked out right now, unlike the obvious reason.

I don't know what to say or do so I just grabbed her, I pulled her into my chest and that was what pushed her over the edge.

It wasn't a small sob that she let out, it was a defeated cry. One when you know you've lost and there's nothing you can do about it.

Not knowing how to handle this, all I wanted to do was help her through it and be there for her.
I ran my fingers through her hair and whispered comforting words that I thought might help.

'Baby I'm so sorry you had to see that. I'm so sorry.' Mitch and pope were now slowly backing up out of the kitchen, box in hand and I hear Mitch strictly telling Sarah to not look in the box, no matter what as he took it into the garden. Probably wondering how we're going to get rid of it without looking suspicious as fuck.

My attention is drawn back to Dakota, she's slightly calmer but still crying. Her nose is running and has rosey cheeks.

'Harry I can't take this much longer. I can't take the guilt. What's next? He kills Opie? Or the others? Or you! Anyone else he wants because he can! Tell me what to do Harry! I can't take it anymore!' I'm lost for words. She right. This just proves how desperate Jeffrey is to get Dakota.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to loose her but I can't let him do this Opie, he doesn't deserve this. I take a deep breath and squeeze her close. We just stand together in my kitchen,  holding onto one another, to scared to let go.

'We leave tonight. This has gone on to long.' Dakota doesn't fight me, she simply nods her head in my chest sniffling. I brush my fingers through her hair, kissing the top of her head.
This ends tonight.

Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now